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Life of Fred: Dogs
Product Description
▼▲Life of Fred is a unique, complete (not supplemental), math program that uses a highly engaging narrative to teach math without fear and with enjoyment. Students follow the life of Fred Gauss (a math professor who grows up to the age of six), who has many humorous, unlikely, and zany adventures over the course of the curriculum. Math becomes relevant and important because the need for math occurs in Fred's life (and he sees math everywhere). Witty and truly entertaining, these books will engage students in a way unlike any other math program - --while also instilling a solid understanding of the principles of mathematics without an abundance of repetitive drills. This series is perfect for inquisitive students who struggle with the relevance of math, or anyone looking for a creative approach to mathematic thinking!
Dogs is the fourth book in the Life of Fred Elementary Series, which is designed for students in grades 1-4.
Each narrative-based chapter is approximately six pages, and ends with a "Your Turn to Play" segment with three or four questions. Answers are provided on the next page for students to go over themselves after attempting to solve the problems.
Dogs covers: One Million, Our Place in the Dance of Life, pi, the Game of Doubles, Fortnight, Digits in a Number, Two Dimes = 20 Cents, New Words in English, Anachronism, Middle English, Old English, Doubling 1 to 2 to 4 to up to 1,267,650,600,228,229,401,496,703,205,376 (which is 100 doubles), 7 - z = 4, Making Choices in Life, Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe, Morse Code from A-Z, Functions, the Function Party Game, One Billion, Finding Patterns, What Can Cause Unclear Thinking, Rhyme Schemes, Tennyson's In Memoriam, Eyes Adjusting to Bright Light, Consecutive Even Numbers, ATM Cards, Numbers that Add to 15, Guessing Functions, Right Angles, Rectangles, Constant Functions, Buying Books, One Day Without Reading, Sheet Music for "Borrowed Books", Beautiful Handwriting, Numbers that Add to 17, Macronutrients, the Eight Planets, Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, Different Ways to Pick Out a Book to Read, Bar Graphs, Different Jobs You Might Choose, Adopting a Dog, Idioms, Spendthrifts, Adding two- and three-digit numbers, Art in Advertising, Carrying the One in Addition, Female and Male, Apartment Leases, Isotopes of Hydrogen, the Chemical Elements, Dog Games.
128 pages, indexed; hardcover, non-consumable textbook with Smyth-sewn binding. Students write their answers on separate paper. Answers are also included in the text and written directly to the student.
Product Information
▼▲Title: Life of Fred: Dogs By: Stanley F. Schmidt Ph.D. Format: Hardcover Vendor: Polka Dot Publishing Dimensions: 10.38 X 7.25 X .55 (inches) | Weight: 16 ounces ISBN: 097910727X ISBN-13: 9780979107276 Series: Life of Fred Stock No: WW9107276 |
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