Eric MetaxasSalem Books / 2022 / HardcoverOur Price$11.993.9 out of 5 stars for Letter to the American Church. View reviews of this product. 13 Reviews
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LCP5 Stars Out Of 5For such a time as this!September 28, 2022LCPQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5This book is a must-read for the American Church. Every American, male or female, who identifies as a Christ follower must read this book.
Make no mistake about it, this is a wake up call for those who know they have been called to do the work of the Lord in this day and age. For those that are floating along, just casually attending a church and doing the religious duties, this is a loud clanging gong that they need to get out of bed and get to work, seriously following Jesus as the Bible instructs them to do.
For people that are far removed from the horrors of Germany in the 1940s, you young folks, this book is a much needed reminder or education of what happened in a well educated and sophisticated culture of 1930s Germany.
I, like many others, have asked How did Germany (or the German people) allow that to happen? How could the Church, the Body of Christ, stand by and let 6 million Jews be slaughtered, as well as many other atrocities?
Eric Metaxas answers this question and draws ample analogies between the German Church and their circumstances and the American Church and our circumstances, the evils we face today, Marxist ideologies being one of them.
If there is one criticism I have with this book, it is that people know that they need to Love God (or at least they should know), but they do not necessarily know how to love Him, which means there is a major disconnect in our Church today because we have not been making true disciples, which is why we are in the mess we are in.
I think Mr. Metaxas could have spent a little time on this issue, because if we have been successfully making true disciples all along, this book would not be necessary. -
Bloom225 Stars Out Of 5Speak Truth in LoveSeptember 21, 2022Bloom22Quality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5American churches should not be silent in the face of evil because the truth and love of God must be applied beyond the Church. In A Letter to the American Church, Eric Metaxas directs the reader to consider bold and courageous heroes: King David, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, William Wilburforce and President Ronald Reagan. These men knew and acted on Biblical truth while ignoring the opposing voices. Despite prophetic warnings from Bonhoeffer to the German Church in the 1930s, the Church miserably failed to act. Eric highlights legislation in the 1950s and 1960s which began to silence many churches. As a result of continued silence, we are now faced with anti-God and anti-human ideologies, including radical transgender, pro-abortion, and atheist Marxist Critical Race Theory. Eric humbly presents the evidence of our current crisis, the spiritual battle between truth and lies, and challenges us all to live out our faith by speaking truth in love.
mcnt5 Stars Out Of 5A warning to the comfortable churchSeptember 27, 2022mcntQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5Metaxas sounds a prophetic warning to America in his Letter to the American Church. He illuminates and contrasts the path of the German church that failed to stand up to the growing threat of the Nazi party in the 1930s with an attitude much like the current American church. The German Church politely listened to Bonhoeffer and then returned to their comfortable lives without heeding his call to action. Metaxas serves as a modern day Jeremiah (Bonhoeffer) sounding the same prophetic warning. Wake up! Look around you! Return to God and stand for truth. See the evil encroaching on our nation.
Wake Up5 Stars Out Of 5Hello ChurchJune 5, 2023Wake UpQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5This book is a must read for every disciple of Jesus Christ. The parallels presented between the Church in Germany during the mid 1930s and the American Church of today are uncanny.
Yeonmi Park5 Stars Out Of 5Letter to the American ChurchMarch 9, 2023Yeonmi ParkA great book
a wake up call to the church
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