The Legend of the Christmas Tree Picture Book, Ages 4-8
Stock No: WW00431
The Legend of the Christmas Tree Picture Book, Ages 4-8  -     By: Rick Osborne

The Legend of the Christmas Tree Picture Book, Ages 4-8

ZonderKidz / 2001 / Hardcover

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Stock No: WW00431

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Stock No: WW00431
ZonderKidz / 2001 / Hardcover

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Product Description

On a visit to a tree lot, the Johnson family sees three beautifully decorated trees standing in the center of the lot. A mysterious silver gift-wrapped box is under one of the trees. The old lot owner notices their intrigue and what he tells them, not only marks the beginning of a new family tradition, but also brings meaning and understanding into their Christmas celebration.

In The Legend of the Christmas Tree, children ages 4 to 8 will discover the wonderful story of how the ever green tree first became a symbol of Christmas and a way to tell people about God. The beautiful illustrations by Bill Dodge add a wonderful richness to the story and help bring meaning to one of our best-loved traditions--decorating the Christmas tree.

2002 Silver Angel Award winner!

Product Information

Title: The Legend of the Christmas Tree Picture Book, Ages 4-8
By: Rick Osborne
Format: Hardcover
Number of Pages: 32
Vendor: ZonderKidz
Publication Date: 2001
Dimensions: 9.1 X 10.9 X 0.4 (inches)
Weight: 15 ounces
ISBN: 0310700434
ISBN-13: 9780310700432
Ages: 4-8
Stock No: WW00431

Publisher's Description

Have you ever wondered how the evergreen tree first became a symbol of Christmas? This wonderful story about a family quite like yours is filled with beautiful illustrations that add a deep warmth and richness to the meaning behind one of our best-loved traditions—decorating the Christmas tree.

On a visit to a tree lot, the Johnson family sees three beautifully decorated trees standing in the center of the lot. A mysterious silver gift-wrapped box is under one of the trees. The old lot owner notices their intrigue. What he tells them not only marks the beginning of a new family tradition, it also adds a more profound meaning and greater appreciation to their whole Christmas celebration.

The Legend of the Christmas Tree takes children ages 4 to 8 through a fun and enriching discovery of how the evergreen tree became known as a Christmas tree and, most importantly, how it also became a way to tell people about God.

Read it at bedtime. Read it as you decorate your own Christmas tree. Read it right up to the night of Christmas Eve (or straight through the 12 days of Christmas!).

The Legend of the Christmas Tree:

  • Is brought to life through the colorful, tender illustrations of Bill Dodge
  • Will captivate and teach your child about gratitude and faith
  • Is a great addition to your holiday reading tradition
  • Is the perfect stocking stuffer or Christmas gift for your children, grandchildren, and any other loved one in your life

Author Bio

Growing up, Rick Osborne really liked Superman. Superman did what was right, he did cool things that other people couldn’t do, and he never quit. The Bible is full of great Superman-type stories where God helps good guys battle evil guys with his awesome supernatural help. By telling these stories, Rick loves to help boys see the real-life superhero that God wants each of them to be. Rick lives with his family up north in Canada, closer to where Superman built his fortress.

Midwest Book Review

Rick Osborne's The Legend Of The Christmas Tree: The Inspirational Story Of A Treasured Tradition is a delightful kids' book, for which every page spread has charming text on the left and a full-color, realistically painted illustration by Bill dodge of a family celebrating the joy of Christmas on the right. The story is about the legend behind the tradition of searching for a Christmas tree, which dates back to the Reformation: when Martin Luther brought a tree into his house, he set candles on it to celebrate Jesus, the Light of the World. The Legend Of The Christmas Tree is in many ways about the need to make Jesus Christ a larger part of Christmas. Since the Biblical foundations of Christmas are often forgotten in the hustle and bustle of rampant consumerism that marks the season, The Legend Of The Christmas Tree is a very good introduction for young Christian readers to the holiday's origin. Also very highly recommended are the other fine books in this educational series: The Legend Of The Candy Cane, The Legend Of The Easter Egg, and The Legend Of The Valentine.
Used by permission from: The October, 2001 issue ofChildren's Bookwatch By Midwest Book Review

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