Learning from Jesus: A Spiritual Formation Guide
Stock No: WW841249
Learning from Jesus: A Spiritual Formation Guide   -     By: Renovare

Learning from Jesus: A Spiritual Formation Guide

HarperChristian Resources / Paperback

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Stock No: WW841249

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HarperChristian Resources / Paperback

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Product Description

Jesus Christ is the central figure and cornerstone of the Christian life. Learning From Jesus looks at who Jesus is, how he interacted with those around him, and some of his teachings. In this study of Christ, the authors seek to address the question: What does this mean for our spiritual formation and for our growth into Christlikeness? Suitable for individual or small group use, discover how to better dwell in God's love and grace and more deeply become a God-inhabited person.

Product Information

Title: Learning from Jesus: A Spiritual Formation Guide
By: Renovare
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 144
Vendor: HarperChristian Resources
Dimensions: 8 X 5.31 (inches)
Weight: 11 ounces
ISBN: 0060841249
ISBN-13: 9780060841249
Series: Renovare Resources
Stock No: WW841249

Publisher's Description

Become a Student of the Master

To Christians, Jesus is many things: the Son of God, the pivotal figure in whom we put our trust and who speaks on our behalf, a companion in the life of faith. But Jesus is also an incredible example of how to lead a faithful life. Jesus, as a human, walked on earth and confronted the same struggles that we face. Our primary mission as his followers is to learn from him -- to become his apprentices. In this book we seek to further our apprenticeship by studying everything from Jesus's interactions with those around him to the revolutionary wisdom recorded in the Gospels. Learning from Jesus is conveniently organized for individual or group study, and each section of this guide leads you further down the path to true discipleship.

Author Bio

Renovaré (from the Latin meaning "to renew") is an intrachurch movement committed to the renewal of the church of Jesus Christ in all its multifaceted manifestations. Founded by bestselling author and well-known speaker Richard J. Foster, Renovaré is Christian in commitment, international in scope, and ecumenical in breadth. Visit the Renovaré website at www.renovare.us.

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