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KJV 1611 Sword Bible, Large Print--Soft leather-look, royal purple
Product Description
▼▲For over four centuries the King James Version has been the most treasured translation of the Bible. No other version matches the beauty of its writing or the depth of its meaning. The KJV Sword Large Print Bible contains the resources to enhance your biblical study, such as articles on the names and attributes of God, biblical terms and definitions, historical outlines, an extensive concordance, and detailed maps. Also the special Topical Concordance of Biblical Words, found at the end of this Bible, will provide countless aids for locating desired subjects and verses. Unique to the KJV Sword Large Print Bible our Bibles is a red letter Old Testament as well as a red letter New Testament. In the Old Testament, the red lettering is the direct words of God Himself. Quotations of God's word by people or angels are outlined with a red rule. In the New Testament, the traditional color scheme is used, denoting the words of Christ in red. Here citations of the direct words of God from the Old Testament have been encircled in red. Likewise, quotations of the words of God or of Christ by others have been encircled in red.
- Words of God highlighted in red in the Old Testament
- Words of Jesus highlighted in red in the New Testament
- Hebrew names of God explained
- Difficult terms underlined and defined at the ends of verses
- "Essential Themes String-Reference Bible Study," with over ninety different themes for study and devotional use
- Full color maps
- Large-print, 12-point type size
- Updated page design for increased readability
Product Information
▼▲Title: KJV 1611 Sword Bible, Large Print--Soft leather-look, royal purple Format: Imitation Leather Number of Pages: 1408 Vendor: Whitaker House Publication Date: 2024 Dimensions: 9.75 X 7 X 1.25 (inches) Weight: 2 pounds 2 ounces ISBN: 888769205X ISBN-13: 9798887692050 Series: King James Version Sword Bible | References: End-of-Verse Text Color: Red Letter Text Size: 12 Point Thumb Index: No Ribbon Marker: Yes Spine: Glued Page Gilding: Gold Stock No: WW692050 Imprintable: Yes |
Publisher's Description
▼▲This KJV Sword Bible includes these distinctive features:
- Royal purple ultrasoft cover
- Large-print, 12-point type size
- Updated page design for increased readability
- Difficult terms underlined and defined at the ends of verses
- Words of God highlighted in red in the Old Testament
- Words of Jesus highlighted in red in the New Testament
- Hebrew names of God explained
- "Essential Themes String-Reference Bible Study" included in footnotes. With this study, you can follow along with the verse listings for many important biblical themes as they appear throughout Scripture. The topics and subtopics include over ninety different themes, providing much material for Bible study and devotional use.
- "Read Through the Bible in One Year" plan
- Full-color maps
More About This Bible Version:
The King James Version is the most published and printed translation of the Bible to this day. No other version has ever matched the beauty of its writing or the depth of its meaning. The KJV Sword Bible endeavors to be a faithful representation of the character of the original authorized version of the King James Bible released in 1611, with the addition of subject headings for ease of reading and topical orientation.
The Bible is a book not only to be revered but also to be read wholeheartedly. The KJV Sword Bible is the same KJV that you know and love, made easier to read, study, comprehend, and apply to your life.
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