KJV Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible, genuine leather, black-indexed
Edited By: Spiros Zodhiates
Stock No: WW159831
KJV Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible, genuine leather, black-indexed  -     Edited By: Spiros Zodhiates

KJV Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible, genuine leather, black-indexed

Edited By: Spiros Zodhiates
AMG Publishers / 2014 / Genuine Leather

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Stock No: WW159831

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Stock No: WW159831
AMG Publishers / 2014 / Genuine Leather

Product Description

The Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible combines essential tools for Hebrew and Greek with translations that are accurate and clear. An easy-to-use style plus the benefits of the Strong's Dictionary numbering system makes this study Bible one for every student of God's Word, no matter what age.

The Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible is a complete English Bible text for cross-reference study to the original languages from which the Bible was translated.


  • Wider margins than previous editions
  • Introduction to each book of the Bible
  • Words of Christ in Red
  • Table of Weights and Measures
  • AMG’s Concordance of the Bible
  • AMG’s Annotated Strong’s Dictionaries
  • Combines Strong’s dictionaries with additional material taken from AMG’s Complete Word Study Dictionaries
  • Footnotes on the original languages, Bible history, Bible doctrines, and difficult passages
  • Strong’s numbers on key words in the text of the Bible
  • Grammatical codes on key words in the text of the New Testament
  • Used with the Grammatical Notations, these codes identify the forms of Greek grammar behind the English translation
  • Presentation page
  • Ribbon marker
  • Gold page edges, thumb-indexed
  • 9-point text size
  • Size: 9.50" x 7.25" x 2.25"
  • Sewn bindings

System of Study

  • Key Words in the English Text Identified by Strong's Numbering System
  • Codes in the New Testament Text Identify Grammatical Structure of Key Greek Words
  • Notations Explain the Significance of the Grammatical Codes
  • Hebrew and Greek Word Studies
  • Strong's Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries
  • Center-column Reference System
  • Concordance

Product Information

Title: KJV Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible, genuine leather, black-indexed
Format: Genuine Leather
Number of Pages: 2304
Vendor: AMG Publishers
Publication Date: 2014
Dimensions: 9.50 X 7.25 X 2.25 (inches)
Weight: 3 pounds 14 ounces
ISBN: 1617159832
ISBN-13: 9781617159831
Text Color: Red Letter
Text Size: 9 Point
Note Size: 8 Point
Thumb Index: Yes
Ribbon Marker: Yes
Spine: Sewn
Page Gilding: Gold
Stock No: WW159831
Imprintable: Yes

Publisher's Description

There are times when a Greek or Hebrew word has a distinct meaning that seriously affects the proper interpretation of Scripture. Unless you are familiar with these languages, you will not be able to determine what word in the original text was used or the differences between these words-until now.

The Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible identifies the key words of the original languages and presents clear, precise explanations of their meaning and usage. Those who love God's Word will treasure this Bible, for it contains a whole library of biblical helps within its covers.


                                NOW INCLUDED

* Wider Margins on Pages of the Bible Text

* Key Words in the Biblical Text Coded to Strong's Numbers

* New Word Studies with AMG's Annotated Strong's Dictionaries

* Red Letter Edition of the King James Version of the Bible


Author Bio

Spiros Zodhiates was born March 13, 1922 to Greek parents on the island of Cyprus. After completing his Greek education, he attended the American University in Cairo, Egypt, The National Bible Institute, and New York University. He earned his Doctor of Theology degree from Luther Rice Seminary. In addition, Dr. Zodhiates was the recipient of several honorary doctorates.
While serving in the British Army in Cairo, Egypt, Zodhiates received The Voice of the Gospel, a magazine published by The American Committee for the Evangelization of the Greeks. To pass the time, he decided to write an article for the magazine. He wrote it in English and, not thinking about it, wrote the accompanying letter in Greek. When they realized they had found someone who loved the Lord and knew both languages, they invited him to come to America in 1946.
In 1966, they elected Zodhiates as president of what is now called AMG International (Advancing the Ministries of the Gospel). Under his leadership, AMG grew from a small ministry focusing on the land of Greece to a worldwide evangelistic and relief ministry. AMG International provides a wide range of social services, including care for orphans and leprosy patients, and has an expanding evangelistic thrust of advertising the message of the gospel through paid newspaper and magazine gospel messages in many lands and languages. His mission was the regeneration of souls, but he did not ignore the physical needs of the people he met.
The author of over 200 books and booklets in English, as well as 82 in Greek, Zodhiates started a book house, AMG Publishers, which has since grown into a significant producer of Bibles and Christian books.
On October 10, 2009, Dr. Spiros Zodhiates was called home by his Heavenly Father. Throughout his six decades of leadership, Dr. Zodhiates demonstrated a profound commitment to the Word of God and a singular focus on accomplishing his calling faithfully. His style was marked by frugal stewardship, great enthusiasm, entrepreneurial courage and unexpected generosity.

Editorial Reviews

"The Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible is my favorite. I can give it no higher recommendation than to say it is the Bible I have raised my daughters to use."

BETH MOORE, Living Proof Ministries, Houston, Texas

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