Dave FurmanCrossway / 2018 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$1.494.6 out of 5 stars for Kiss the Wave: Embracing God in Your Trials. View reviews of this product. 5 Reviews
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SDG5 Stars Out Of 5A Great Book Directing the Reader's Attention to God During TrialsFebruary 1, 2018SDGQuality: 0Value: 0Meets Expectations: 0There is much to be said about suffering. Scripture is not silent on the topic, the Lord Jesus Christ exemplified it, and today there are countless books written on it. This because it is a topic that marks many Christians alike. Dave Furman counts himself among those Christians and utilizing his own experiences has brought some profound insight into the discussion of suffering as a Christian.
Truthfully, apart from a blog article here or there I knew very little about Dave or Gloria Furman apart from their names. Therefore, I knew nothing of the physical ailments that he faces and the impact of that upon both their ministry and family. As a result, the words he writes comes from experience, but they are infused with humility so that the emphasis is not on the author but on the authors sustainer. From his fingertips then, we have a book that acknowledges suffering from a perspective of one who can relate to it while pointing readers to the Savior.
Kiss the Wave seems like an unexpected title, but it is taken from a Charles Spurgeon quote, a man who also knew much about suffering, that simply says, I have learned to kiss the wave that throws me against the rock of ages. The words seem simple enough, but the enlightenment it places upon the object of our faith is profound and Furman takes hold of this to direct our attention towards Him during the most difficult of times.
The authors goal is not merely to give advice or appeal to emotion, but instead to lead people to their source of hope, which is God through Jesus Christ. He brings this goal to realization by filling the book with basic principles of the Christian life. Each chapter focuses on a specific activity or attribute of God the Father or God the Son but Furman directs the conversation towards the implications each has in regards to suffering. For example, acknowledging aspects about us such as we are weak, heaven is for real, and that God knows us better than any person, readers attention is directed towards God and to a right perspective of suffering.
Throughout the book, the author confronts the typical responses to suffering and how each of those falls short on the hearers ears. This is perhaps one of the grandest lessons in the book as Furman notes that phrases like, I know exactly what you are going through or Ive been there can only be used by Jesus Christ. He does a great job at simply expressing how most of us feel when others try to comfort us in these ways and why they usually fall short. Once again, he uses it as an opportunity to fixate on God and demonstrates how a firm relationship with Him can carry a person through their suffering.
Dave Furman writes a book that expresses many conditions of suffering that Im sure all of us would are unable to. Furthermore, his humility and plethora of examples make this a book that people can both relate to and apply. The fact that he utilizes doctrine instead of an emotional appeal to aide readers makes this an excellent book for people to consider when faced with adverse circumstances. It is one that I would urge many to pick up themselves, both so they are rightly informed when facing their own adversity, but also so that they may be better equipped to minister to others.
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher at no cost to me for the purposes of review. However, this review is the result of my own reading of the book and was not influenced in any way by the author, publisher, or anyone else associated with the book. -
Kendra5 Stars Out Of 5encouraging and God-orientedMarch 14, 2018KendraQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5Living with severe nerve pain and disability, Furman is well-acquainted with suffering. While using his own experiences with pain, depression, and disability as examples, this book is not primarily memoir or story. As Furman says, "my goal is not to give you trite advice or appeal to your emotions as a way of finding joy. We don't "feel better" by trying harder or distracting ourselves. We don't lift ourselves out of the pit through positive thinking. Instead I can think of no better way forward than to point you to the greatness of our God and all that he has done for us in Christ Jesus. It's only when we take our eyes off of ourselves and our circumstances and we gaze upon him and his work that we can keep our heads above water when the high tide of our trials comes our way (pg. 20)."
This book points us to our sovereign and loving God, who gave his life so we could live, who suffered every kind of temptation and sorrow known to man, who has chosen us and knows us intimately, who is molding and shaping us into his image, and who has defeated death, guaranteeing us eternal life and future glory in heaven where there is no sorrow or suffering.
I found this book to be encouraging, and I think it would be God-orienting and life-giving to the believer whose faith is being challenged by suffering.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my review. -
JohnnyLafayette, TNAge: 45-54Gender: Male5 Stars Out Of 5GREAT BOOK FOR THOSE WHO STRUGGLEMarch 13, 2018JohnnyLafayette, TNAge: 45-54Gender: MaleQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5I have never text as many quotes from a book to anyone but as I read Kiss the Wave: Embracing God in Your Trials written by Dave Furman and published by Crossway, I could help sending those messages to my wife. You see my wife suffers from chronic pain and fatigue. Being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Lupus has not only taken a toll on her physically, but mentally and spiritually. Dave Furman, pastor of Redeemer Church of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, suffers from a nerve ailment that leaves him in severe pain and the inability to properly use his hands. When Dave wrote this book he did so from a life of experience. The result was one of the most powerful books that Ive ever read on the subject of suffering and the Christians response to it. I cant recommend this read enough.
The books title comes from a quote from Charles Spurgeon where he said, I have learned to kiss the wave that throws me against the Rock of Ages. Spurgeon knew pain and depression. He didnt just sling those words out. He knew the waves. Dave Furman knows the waves as well. Both Spurgeon and Furman are not asking you to just try harder in painful times, but rather learn to embrace God in the midst of the suffering.
The author seeks to help you embrace God by offering up the following chapters:
He Can Surf Any Wave a look at the Mark passage where Jesus walks on the water where Jesus reveals His character to his disciples.
He Is Our Refuge an encouragement to see Gods presence in the midst of our times of suffering and the value that recognition brings.
The Ultimate Rescue Mission a view of the implications of Christ coming to this earth as a baby and how that should sustain us in our pain.
The Greatest Exchange in All of History a look into the crucifixion, the fact that Christ took our place, and the magnificent grace of God that has been shown us. What effect does this have on us in our times of suffering?
God Is Not Dead what does the resurrection of Jesus promise us? What hope do we have because of this promise?
Look, I Am Your Father a look into the fact that God has adopted us and what it means to be His child when we suffer.
He Really Knows Every Hair on Your Head a call to meditate on the fact that you are known by God and why we shouldnt search out a cheap substitute for that fact here on this earth.
The Waves Have a Glorious Purpose a look at John 15 and the pruning process. What purpose might God have when He prunes us?
Weakness Is Always the Way a study of why we should glory in our weakness and how God uses it.
You Are a Part of Christs Body a wonderful study of how even the weak parts of the body are necessary in the Body of Christ.
The Wave Maker Will Carry You to Shore a reminder that even in our darkest moments that God never loses us and that we can persevere.
Extreme Makeover a call to look to our future where God has prepared for us a permanent home and new bodies.
Heaven Is for Real a reminder to us that heaven is on the way and that we are able to live in light of eternity while struggling in moments of pain here on this earth.
Seeing my own wife struggle with pain regularly may have caused me to read this book with greater intensity, but the truth is that I found it to be a great source of encouragement. Do you know somebody that is struggling? Order this book for them. Please it in their hands. They need the truth that this book, which is based on the Word of God, will bring.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher for an honest review.
kaye5 Stars Out Of 5Kiss the WaveAugust 9, 2023kayeQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5great book - bought a couple more for friends and recommend it frequently.
Bec3 Stars Out Of 5Real World Situations, Real GodJanuary 11, 2018BecQuality: 4Value: 4Meets Expectations: 3God can put us in some unordinary circumstances. We can feel pain, grieving, and sadness. In this book, "Kiss the Wave" by Dave Furman, you will learn just a few experiences the author faced in his life and how God was able to help pull him through. You will also learn of some stories he heard and how he was able to apply God's Word to those stories. Now I can say that some of these stories may be a little extreme and may leave you breathless. However, this book does show how you are able to go through the most painful experiences and rely on God to get you through. As part of my review, Crossway has provided a complimentary copy of this book through the Blog Review Program.
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