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The King James Only Controversy, Revised Edition
By: James R. White
Bethany House / 2009 / Paperback
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Stock No: WW206054
Product Description
▼▲The King James Version has been trusted by Christians for generations. Today it's the center of a debate where critics charge that contemporary translations have changed essential Christian doctrines. In this revised edition of his noteworthy book, James White refutes the claims of those who believe the KJV is the only true translation of the Bible. In addition, White explores the differences between the NIV, NASB, and other translations while addressing some of the complex issues surrounding textual criticism. Sound reading for anyone engaged in, or intrigued by, the "King James Only" controversy.
Product Information
▼▲Title: The King James Only Controversy, Revised Edition By: James R. White Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 336 Vendor: Bethany House Publication Date: 2009 | Dimensions: 8.50 X 5.50 X 1.0 (inches) Weight: 13 ounces ISBN: 0764206052 ISBN-13: 9780764206054 Stock No: WW206054 |
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Publisher's Description
▼▲Modern Bible translations still come under attack from the King James Only camp. In this revision of a book continually in print for more than ten years, James R. White traces the development of Bible translations old and new, investigating the differences between versions like the NIV, NASB, and NKJV and the Authorized Version of 1611. Written with the layperson in mind, The King James Only Controversy leads the reader through the basic issues of the debate and into the more complex issues of textual criticism. Enlightening reading for all Christians.
Author Bio
▼▲James R. White is the author of several acclaimed books, including The God Who Justifies and The Forgotten Trinity. He is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization, and an elder of the Phoenix Reformed Baptist Church. An accomplished debater, White has also taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics. He and his family live in Phoenix.
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Q: In the updated version of The King James Only Controversy, is the NLT addressed?
No, Dr. White doesn't use the NLT or address it in this book.
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