The King of Christmas: All God's Children Search for Jesus
Stock No: WW596639
The King of Christmas: All God's Children Search for Jesus  -     By: Todd R. Hains

The King of Christmas: All God's Children Search for Jesus

Lexham Press / 2022 / Hardcover

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Lexham Press / 2022 / Hardcover

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Product Description

In The King of Christmas by Todd R. Hains, and illustrator, Natasha Kennedy, readers will join in the exciting search during Advent, for The King of Christmas-Jesus! Follow along with FatCat and the wise men as they follow the Star of Bethlehem to find the King. At each location they search, a new friend joins the search party. The story doesn't end at the manger, as they ask where else he can be found? On the Cross? At the tomb? They also reflect as to where he is found today_in His word! Hardcover, 40 pages. Recommended for ages 4 to 8 years old.

Product Information

Title: The King of Christmas: All God's Children Search for Jesus
By: Todd R. Hains
Format: Hardcover
Number of Pages: 40
Vendor: Lexham Press
Publication Date: 2022
Dimensions: 10.0 X 9.0 (inches)
Weight: 15 ounces
ISBN: 1683596633
ISBN-13: 9781683596639
Ages: 4-8
Series: FatCat Book
Stock No: WW596639

Publisher's Description

2022 American Book Fest Best Book Award Finalist for Children's Religious

2022 Northern Lights Book Award Winner for Best Series

"The King of Christmas is a wonderfully accessible book with a simple but powerful message and illustrations that are among the best I've come across in children's literature this year. [...] Very highly recommended." Readers Favorite' five star review

The star of the King of Christmas—where will we find him? Inspired by the story of the magi and Mary's Magnificat, The King of Christmas invites children and families to share the joy of searching for Jesus during Advent.

Join FatCat and the wise men as they follow the light of the Christmas star, journeying over sea and field, through market and temple, to find the King of Christmas. In each place they look, a new friend joins their search. The journey doesn't end at the manger. Once the magi and their lively cast of friends and friendly beasts find Jesus at the nativity scene, they ask where else he can be found. On the cross? In the tomb?

And where do we find the King of Christmas today? In his word, where he promises to be found. Wherever his name and word are, you will find him too. Merry Christmas to all God's children!

Author Bio

Natasha Kennedy is a freelance illustrator and homeschooling mom from Seattle, Washington. She and her husband, Lindsay, have four children and a grey kitty named Tiny.

Todd R. Hains is an editor at Lexham Press. He and his wife, Veronica, have two children and two grey cats—Crumpet and Utini.

Editorial Reviews

"The King of Christmas is a wonderfully accessible book with a simple but powerful message and illustrations that are among the best I've come across in children's literature this year. [...] Very highly recommended."

Readers' Favorite five star review

Christmas is a great time for children to learn the gospel story of who Jesus is. This vibrant book invites parents to bring their children along on the journey to find the true king of Christmas, the Messiah, the Christ. And it reminds us that he is near, even in the word that is in our ears when we learn the story.

—Phillip Cary

The excitement and anticipation over the King of Christmas builds with each page! I love this treatment of the Christmas story, with its colorful illustrations and interactive catechism that invite the whole family to consider the miracle of Immanuel, God with us.

—Rachel Joy Welcher

The job of a Christian parent and a Christian minister is the same as that of John the Baptist. Our job is to point. We must point our kids away from a consumeristic and power-hungry world. Away from their own greedy and selfish hearts. Our job is to point them to Jesus where he is present by his Word and with his people. With a simple look-and-find plot that follows the magi (and Fat Cat) as they journey to find the Savior, The King of Christmas does just that. Kids will see where the Savior cannot be found—in rich palaces or in military might—and where he is most clearly seen—at the cross. Pick up this great resource to read with your preschool children this Christmas.

—Jared Kennedy

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