Instructing a Child's Heart
Stock No: WW540009
Instructing a Child's Heart  -     By: Tedd Tripp, Margy Tripp

Instructing a Child's Heart

Shepherd Press / Paperback

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Product Description

Picking up where Shepherding a Child's Heart left off, Tedd and Margy Tripp's new book, Instructing a Child's Heart, helps parents give instruction to their children that will persuade them of God's wisdom. Instead of focusing solely on behavior issues, the authors look at the heart of your child. Point your child toward the happiness they will find from doing things God's way! Paperback.

Product Information

Title: Instructing a Child's Heart
By: Tedd Tripp, Margy Tripp
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 200
Vendor: Shepherd Press
Dimensions: 9.00 X 6.00 (inches)
Weight: 10 ounces
ISBN: 0981540007
ISBN-13: 9780981540009
Stock No: WW540009

Publisher's Description

From interaction with their peers to the instruction and correction that they receive at home, Children interpret their experience from a worldview that seeks to answer their fundamental questions: Who am I? What do I exist for? Where can I find joy? We need to provide our children with a consistent, persuasive, biblical framework for understanding the world God has made and their place in it.Instructing a Child's Heart is essential to Shepherding a Child's Heart. The instruction that you provide for them not only informs their mind; it is directed to persuading their hearts of the wisdom and truthfulness of God's ways. Impress truth on the hearts of your children, not to control or manage them, but to point them to the greatest joy and happiness that they can experience????????????????????????????????????????????????delighting in God and the goodness of his ways.

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