How to Walk in the Supernatural Power of God
Stock No: WW742788
How to Walk in the Supernatural Power of God   -     By: Guillermo Maldonado

How to Walk in the Supernatural Power of God

Whitaker House / 2011 / Paperback

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Whitaker House / 2011 / Paperback

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Product Description

The supernatural power and authority of God are available for today's believers--just as they were during biblical times--for healings, miracles, and deliverances. To help you grasp the full revelation of God's supernatural power, Apostle Maldonado shares biblically based insights and tremendous testimonies to show you how to develop a faith for the miraculous and being experiencing it in your life.

Product Information

Title: How to Walk in the Supernatural Power of God
By: Guillermo Maldonado
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 256
Vendor: Whitaker House
Publication Date: 2011
Dimensions: 9.2 X 6.5 X 1 (inches)
Weight: 11 ounces
ISBN: 1603742786
ISBN-13: 9781603742788
Stock No: WW742788

Publisher's Description

Experience Signs, Wonders, and Miracles Today
The supernatural power and authority of God are available for today’s believers—just as they were during ancient biblical times—for healings, miracles, and deliverances.
To help you grasp the full revelation of God’s supernatural power, Apostle Maldonado shares biblically based insights and tremendous testimonies to show you how to:
  • Experience God’s anointing to be more effective in ministry
  • Understand and operate in the supernatural
  • Minister healing to the sick
  • Hear the voice of God
  • Protect yourself from deception
  • Develop a faith for the miraculous
Begin to experience the miraculous in your life!

"And these signs will follow those who believe..." (Mark 16:17).

Author Bio

Active in ministry for over twenty years, Apostle Guillermo Maldonado is the founder of King Jesus International Ministry—one of the fastest-growing multicultural churches in the United States—which has been recognized for its visible manifestations of God´s supernatural power. King Jesus Ministry currently has a membership of more than 25,000, including the main church in Miami, Florida, its campuses, its daughter churches, and its online church. Apostle Maldonado is also a spiritual father to 500 churches in 70 countries, which form the Supernatural Global Network, representing more than 750,000 people. In addition, he is the founder of the University of the Supernatural Ministry (USM). Apostle Maldonado has a doctorate in Christian counseling and a master’s degree in practical theology.
  • Twitter @apostlegm
  • Instagram @guillermomaldonado

Editorial Reviews

Apostle Guillermo Maldonado is one of the outstanding leaders of the twenty-first century. His prophetic insight into the apostolic foundations of the church and his passion and hunger for the manifestation of the supernatural kingdom of God on earth in our modern times are contagious. His books are destined to
become classics for years to come.
—Dr. Myles Munroe, President and Founder, Bahamas Faith Ministries International, Nassau, Bahamas

Pastor Maldonado has a worldwide ministry specializing in the miraculous. His books are helpful, contain great revelation knowledge, and most certainly give godly direction. So often, we look at the outward signs of a ministry and admire the fruit of it, but I have seen Pastor Maldonado’s ministry inside and out, and I like the fruit of both.
—Marilyn Hickey, President, Marilyn Hickey Ministries, Englewood, Colorado

Pastor Guillermo Maldonado is a dynamic leader of a vibrant ministry. I believe God has raised him up at this time to reach not only the Hispanic population in the United States but also all nations around the world.
—Dr. Mark Rutland, President, Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Oklahoma

Guillermo Maldonado is one of the most eminent apostolic leaders on the planet. He is an influencer of influencers, a brilliant orator, a quintessential teacher, a loving pastor, and a prolific writer. His investment in your life cannot be underestimated.
—Mark J. Chironna, Ph.D., Bishop, The Master’s Touch International Church, Orlando, Florida

Pastor Maldonado’s heart for people and his family, and his family’s complete devotion to announcing God’s presence and power at all times, are completely pure and unrelenting.
—Darlene Zschech, Praise and worship artist

Pastor Maldonado is a man who has shared in my journey and recognizes the impact Jesus Christ has had on the lives of individuals like me. He understands that no matter how we measure success, true achievements are not reached without faith and devotion to the Christian life. If you are looking for
someone to help bridge your spiritual gap, Pastor Maldonado is the man to do so. I am proud to call him a friend.
—Governor Rick Scott, Florida

In How to Walk in the Supernatural Power of God, readers will find a source of spiritual enrichment and an invitation to know, in the words of the author, a "supernatural, almighty God who still performs miracles." It demonstrates what I have always believed Christians represent: solidarity instead of a struggle of classes; love instead of hate; unity instead of rejection; and moral and ethical values because they practice what they preach and preach what they live.
—Alvaro Uribe Vélez, Former President (2002–2010), Colombia

Apostle Guillermo Maldonado is a leader with great vision and faith. There is a great awakening coming to the nations of the earth with signs, wonders, and miracles, and Apostle Maldonado is on the forefront of it. It is a great honor to call him my friend.
—Cindy Jacobs, Prophet and cofounder, Generals International, Dallas, Texas

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