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Homeschool Hacks: How to Give Your Kid a Great Education Without Losing Your Job (or Your Mind)
Product Description
▼▲In Homeschool Hacks: How to Give Your Kid a Great Education Without Losing Your Job (or Your Mind), a working mother of six, who has homeschooled her own children for years, shows how any family can do it, with customized plans for every schedule, lifestyle, and educational goal.
More people are looking into homeschooling as an alternative to traditional in-person education, but many parents fear they won’t be able to juggle it on top of their own jobs and obligations. How can you create a lesson plan, manage a curriculum, and teach, all while keeping up with your own career?
Luckily, Linsey Knerl is here to help. As a mother of six and freelance journalist whose own children learn at home, she’s committed to making homeschool work for every family who wants it.
In Homeschool Hacks, she shares stories of homeschooling families with different backgrounds and motivations, dispelling the myth that it’s only for religious folks or stay-at-home parents. And she walks you through a complete plan for your child’s learning, including:
-Sample schedules to create a flexible framework for your own classroom
-Curriculum assessments to discern which program will best fit their needs and their schedules
-Tips for finding—and navigating—your local the homeschool community
-Online resources to continue your journey through graduation
Whether you are considering homeschooling for the long term, the short term, or the first time, this book has everything you need to become your kids’ best teacher ever. 240 pages, softcover.
Product Information
▼▲Title: Homeschool Hacks: How to Give Your Kid a Great Education Without Losing Your Job (or Your Mind) By: Linsey Knerl Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 240 Vendor: Tiller Press Publication Date: 2021 | Dimensions: 9.125 X 7.375 (inches) Weight: 14 ounces ISBN: 1982171154 ISBN-13: 9781982171155 Stock No: WW171159 |
Publisher's Description
▼▲More people are looking into homeschooling as an alternative to traditional in-person education, but many parents fear they wont be able to juggle it on top of their own jobs and obligations. How can you create a lesson plan, manage a curriculum, and teach, all while keeping up with your own career?
Luckily, Linsey Knerl is here to help. As a mother of six and freelance journalist whose own children learn at home, shes committed to making homeschool work for every family who wants it.
In Homeschool Hacks, she shares stories of homeschooling families with different backgrounds and motivations, dispelling the myth that its only for religious folks or stay-at-home parents. And she walks you through a complete plan for your childs learning, including:
-Sample schedules to create a flexible framework for your own classroom
-Curriculum assessments to discern which program will best fit their needs and their schedules
-Tips for finding—and navigating—your local the homeschool community
-Online resources to continue your journey through graduation
Whether you are considering homeschooling for the long term, the short term, or the first time, this book has everything you need to become your kids best teacher ever.
Author Bio
▼▲Author/Artist Review
▼▲Author: Linsey Knerl
Submitted: April 13, 2021
Tell us a little about yourself. I'm a mom to six who has always homeschooled my kids. I grew up in Nebraska, where I live now, and I run a full-time freelance writing business and media company with my husband. I enjoy cooking (especially savory gravies and sauces), watching British mystery television, going on long walks with my husband, and spending time with my kids as they learn and discover the world around them. I also dabble in fiction -- with those few spare minutes at night when my husband is reading the kids their Bible and putting them to bed.
What was your motivation behind this project? I grew tired of hearing some of the falsehoods that became really popular around homeschooling. Things like "homeschoolers don't know how to socialize" or "you can't homeschool in high school" made me want to tear my hair out! When the pandemic forced a lot of families to rethink education, and homeschooling became a hot topic again, I found myself answering the same questions over and over, as well as dispelling so many of those old myths. I guess you could say that the timing was right for this book to finally be written.
What do you hope folks will gain from this project? I'll avoid saying that there is any one lesson to take from this book. The fact is, education is very personal and will be shaped by your own family's priorities, values, and resources. I do believe that you can be your child's best teacher -- even if you use all of those amazing outside resources available to help you along. Simply being the administrator and master planner of your kid's school will provide them with so much opportunity, even if you never sit and instruct them through a line of poetry or a single Algebra problem. And stop comparing yourself to others! We all do that, and we should stop.
How were you personally impacted by working on this project? This was an enlightening project for me, as I scrambled to take my notes and outlines and put them into book form in the span of just two months. I interviewed so many amazing families, and I think that was my favorite part. I also got in touch with my own personal education "style" -- which is more structured than I first believed. When I sat down and detailed all of the things that I knew worked for us, I was surprised at how many things were more about attitude and less about curriculum options or tools. Really, you can get through this and even enjoy it if you have the right heart and a willingness to always be learning.
Anything else you'd like readers / listeners to know: Please be encouraged that you will not "ruin" your kids if you don't have all the answers right away. I'm still learning what works -- and what doesn't. There's also the very real fact that all kids are different. What worked for my oldest will not work for my youngest. It's expected that you will pivot and adapt throughout the course of your homeschool journey.
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