Hiding Baby Moses
Illustrated By: Melanie Cataldo
Stock No: WW7888302
Hiding Baby Moses  -     By: Judith L. Roth
    Illustrated By: Melanie Cataldo

Hiding Baby Moses

Illustrated By: Melanie Cataldo
Flyaway Books / 2021 / Hardcover

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Stock No: WW7888302

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Stock No: WW7888302
Flyaway Books / 2021 / Hardcover

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Product Description

Meet the family of baby Moses in this lyrical retelling Hiding Baby Moses by Judith L. Roth, and illustrated by Melanie Cataldo. Discover how God's faithfulness can be revealed through one small person who takes a big risk for someone she loves. A baby boy is hidden in a basket floating on the Nile. A fearful mother sings a song of protection. And a brave big sister seeks a chance to save her brother.

Product Information

Title: Hiding Baby Moses
By: Judith L. Roth
Illustrated By: Melanie Cataldo
Format: Hardcover
Vendor: Flyaway Books
Publication Date: 2021
Dimensions: 10.25 X 8.25 (inches)
Weight: 13 ounces
ISBN: 1947888307
ISBN-13: 9781947888302
Ages: 3-7
Stock No: WW7888302

Publisher's Description

A baby boy is hidden in a basket floating on the Nile. A fearful mother sings a song of protection. And a brave big sister seeks a chance to save her brother.

Meet the family of baby Moses in this lyrical retelling, and see how God's faithfulness can be revealed through one small person who takes a big risk for someone she loves.

Author Bio

Judith L. Roth is a poet and the author of several children's books. She has a Master of Arts in Theology and has been a musician, youth minister, curriculum writer, and editor. She lives in Indiana with her family.

Melanie Cataldo is the illustrator of Home by Another Way by Barbara Brown Taylor and other books for children. She lives in Massachusetts with her family.

Editorial Reviews

"Confiding text and tender drawings distinguish this version of the story of Moses in Exodus…The transcendent power of loving relationships remains at the heart of this retelling." —Publishers Weekly

Hiding Baby Mosesis a Junior Library Guild Selection.

"Unreservedly recommended for family, daycare center, preschool, Sunday School, elementary school, and community library picture book collections." —Midwest Book Review

"With imagery reminiscent of Psalm 91, Roth imagines what it must have been like for Miriam and her mother to leave their baby in the reeds of the Nile. The themes of hiding in a strong rock and beneath the shadow of God's wings echo Truth in this Story that is nicely told and expressively illustrated." —Redeemed Reader

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