1. Heaven
    Randy Alcorn
    Tyndale House / 2004 / Hardcover
    Our Price$14.50 Retail Price$27.99 Save 48% ($13.49)
    4.8 out of 5 stars for Heaven. View reviews of this product. 168 Reviews
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  1. Sunny
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Probably the best biblical book on heaven
    January 17, 2017
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    You'd think it would be easy to find a biblical book on heaven and I had the hardest time finding one that was truly based on the bible. John Macarthur does have one and it is biblical, but Randy's went into more detail. And Randy was very careful to not say "This is how it will be." He would give you the closest he could find what the Bible says about heaven and you could make your own decision. I really tried hard to find something unbiblical about this book and I could only find a teeny tiny small detail that I thought might be far fetched. After a year long study in this book it changed my Christian life and can't wait for eternal life. I highly recommend every Christian read this book.
  2. Red
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    August 23, 2014
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    This is the best book about Heaven I have ever read. I found out more than I have heard from 45 years of Bible preaching. I lost my wife of 54 years in 2013 and had some concerns about our relationship in Heaven, Alcorn gave me much assurance from his book, that she will be my sweetheart for evermore!

    It is a shame that Christians can not get much about Heaven in preaching today. Sure I know it is all about winning souls, but assuring those souls after salvation I believe is as much importance.

    Also most of the Christians today have no concern about Heaven, their minds are on the here and now. Which I did most of my life.

    If we would have our minds more on Heaven things here on earth would be less stressful.

    Sorry for the preaching, I am just a sinner saved by Grace.

  3. Wick
    Evansville, Indiana
    Age: 35-44
    Gender: male
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    One of My Favorite Books
    March 28, 2018
    Evansville, Indiana
    Age: 35-44
    Gender: male
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    I really, really like this book and highly recommend it. As the title indicates, it's all about Heaven. You need to have an open mind, and you should read it from start to finish. I bounced around through different parts of the book, but went back and read it the right way. I normally don't skip portions of a book, but it's difficult with this book. My curiosity got the better of me, and I first skipped chunks of the New Earth theology section. This 500 pager with tiny font offers answers to a number of topics including work, our bodies, relationships, animals, and so much more. Do I agree with everything Randy says? No, but he has a very convincing argument backed by his interpretation of the Word. It certainly makes me think. What I really enjoy about this book though is that it makes me smile and gets me excited about my future home. I can imagine.

    "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away." Revelation 21:4
  4. Sharon
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    A Very Thorough Study on Heaven
    September 25, 2015
    Quality: 0
    Value: 0
    Meets Expectations: 0
    A friend of mine passed this book on to me when my fiance went home to be with the Lord nearly five years ago. It was extremely helpful to me as I went through the grieving process, and it brought great hope and peace to my heart. Since I had to return the book to my friend, I purchased one recently to re-read and to keep on hand as a great reference. This book has revolutionized my thinking about heaven. It has helped me to understand the reality of heaven as a physical place, the continuity of this life with the next, and the grand scope of redemption that Jesus paid for us - both for us, individually, as well as for all of His creation. I highly recommend this book!
  5. Art
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Heaven - A Reason For Hope
    October 7, 2016
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    "Heaven," by Randy Alcorn, is the best resource I have found that describes Heaven and what we can look forward to. This book gave me a greater desire to share God's promises of everlasting life in the place that He has prepared for all who have accepted and put their trust in His Word. It's a wonderful resource for those who minister to the elderly.
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