Hannah's Hope: Seeking God's Heart in the Midst of Infertility, Miscarriage, & Adoption Loss
Stock No: WW836541
Hannah's Hope: Seeking God's Heart in the Midst of Infertility, Miscarriage, & Adoption Loss  -     By: Jennifer Saake

Hannah's Hope: Seeking God's Heart in the Midst of Infertility, Miscarriage, & Adoption Loss

NavPress / 2005 / Paperback

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Product Description

Hannah's Hope is for all who long for a child yet to be conceived, grieve for a baby miscarried, or have lived through the anguish of a failed adoption. Using the biblical example of Hannah from 1 Samuel 1 and 2, the author directs you to the Source of your strength, the God of all comfort.

Product Information

Title: Hannah's Hope: Seeking God's Heart in the Midst of Infertility, Miscarriage, & Adoption Loss
By: Jennifer Saake
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 224
Vendor: NavPress
Publication Date: 2005
Dimensions: 9.0 X 6.0 (inches)
Weight: 10 ounces
ISBN: 1576836541
ISBN-13: 9781576836545
Stock No: WW836541

Publisher's Description

Hannah’s Hope is intended as a guide to assist you in making wise decisions as you struggle through your grief of not yet conceiving, losing a child, or struggling through the adoption process.

Author Bio

Jennifer Saake and her husband, Rick, are the founders of Hannah's Prayer Ministries (www.hannah.org), a nonprofit organization whose mission is to help women who are infertile or have suffered miscarriage or adoption loss. Since their infertility battle began in 1992, the Saakes have lost ten children via miscarriages and failed adoption attempts and have been blessed with two living miracles.

Author/Artist Review

Author: Jennifer Saake
Submitted: May 07, 2005

    Tell us a little about yourself.  I grew up dreaming of a large family. But dreams and reality don't always mesh. Chronic illness, the diagnosis of infertility, recurrent miscarriages and many unsuccessful attempts to adopt, caused me to question my faith and stuggle with deep depression. I became angry with God, bitter and disconnected from the world around me, even entertaining thoughts of suicide for a season.

After much work on my hard heart, the Lord eventually broke through my bitterness and did an awsome thing with my humble desire to start a "small, local support group" back in 1994.
Hannah's Prayer Ministries, where I served on the Board of Directors from 1995-2003 and now carry the title of director emeritus, has grown into an international ministry reaching tens of thousands of hurting families.

Following ten years and ten losses (three miscarriages and adoption attempts), my husband and I are inexpressibly thankful for the two living children God has added to our family. While motherhood is a blessing I do not take for granted, I have learned through infertility and loss that my value as a woman does not come from my reproductive nor parenting abilities, but in Christ alone.

    What was your motivation behind this project?  In the midst of our struggles I often felt very alone, both in my circle of friends and in my relationship with God. In fact, I felt mistreated and abandoned by Him. But even when I doubted His love and accused Him of horrible things, He ultimately proved Himself faithful to carry us through these painful years. I want every family struggling through such dark waters of grief to know that you are not alone! The incredible reality of God's love is a Father who willing faced the death of His only Child to pay the price of my eternal adoption. If He went to such great sorrow and pain to build His family, He surly understands what I am walking through as I struggle to grow mine! As someone who has "been there," I want to walk alongside women in this struggle and tell them the words I needed to hear. "Even if you can't feel God right now, He is here. He does love you and He does care. It's ok to be angry with Him; He's big enough to handle everything you can throw at Him. But keep taking your pain to Him, don't run away and try to hide from Him or the pain will only continue to fester deeper and deeper in your heart."

    What do you hope folks will gain from this project?  My prayer for this book is that woman grieving over empty arms: will learn that they are not alone; will understand that their pain is valid while learning God honoring ways to cope with the emotions of this journey; will discover that the Father who perhaps seems cruel, unjust or unloving right now, truly does understand this sorrow and personally care about the anguish; and will find hope to draw the next breath. I also seek to help encourage and educate our "burden bearers," those God calls to come alongside and support hurting hearts in this journey, with clear and applicable ways to live with their grieving loved ones in an understanding way.

    Who are your influences, sources of inspiration or favorite authors / artists?  My primary influence for this book is the Biblical story of Hannah, found in First Samuel, chapters 1 and 2. I had initially loathed this story as it seemed Hannah's example was always being thrown in my face as proof that God would give me a child if I just had "enough faith" like Hannah. But I eventually learned to love this woman and gleaned so many encouraging lessons from her life. Debra Bridwell, author of "The Ache for a Child" was a key person God used to get my attention and let me know that He did listen and did hear in the midst of my journey. Without her honest and life-changing book, I would not be where I am today. Other authors that have greatly impacted me have been Sandra Glahn, author of "When Empty Arms Become a Heavy Burden" and "Infertility Companion," Kathe Wunnenberg, author of "Grieving the Child I Never Knew," John MacArthur for his book "Safe In the Arms of God," and Jan Frank for "A Graceful Waiting." My all-time favorite fiction author is Janette Oke. I also enjoy Beverly Lewis, Jane Peart, Lori Wick and several others. My favorite music artist is Steven Curtis Chapman. Other groups I especially enjoy are Sierra and Point of Grace, along with the praise music of Hillsong.

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