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  1. null
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    How Great is Our God: Livng a Worship-Led Life in a Me-Driven World
    March 21, 2024
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    Linda Jean

    This is Truly an ANOINTED book!! I was so fortunate to be able to read this incredible book early! I could not put the book down! Chris Tomlin skillfully takes you through a three-part journey from being wrapped up in your own agenda to discover our amazing God. He doesn't just leave you there, but he opens up your eyes to the unfathomable being that made us and everything that exists. If that weren't enough, Chris gently points out how vital it is to focus on worship in our everyday life. Each individual chapter uses scripture to show how turning your me-driven existence into a worship-led life is not only honoring to God, but defining to who we are in and through God. Along the way, Chris teaches you to worship with a song at each chapter's end, drawing you into God's presence where you don't want to leave!! It will change your view of how to live life and how to worship. I plan to reread it as many times as time will allow until I unlock all the tidbits and truths of God's Word that lead me into worship all throughout the day like breathing!

    PLEASE...purchase and read this book! You will be truly blessed and encouraged! Thank you, Chris Tomlin and God bless you!!!!!
  2. Sjgalbreath
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Full of Insight & Truth - A Must-Read!
    March 21, 2024
    What a great book! I was privileged to be an early reader. Chris Tomlin asked his early readers to spend 21 minutes of daily reading and 21 minutes of daily praise worship, but I couldn't stop there. I read the book once and listened to the audiobook 4 times and I know I am not finished. This book is jam-packed full of Scripture with nugget after nugget of insight and truth. It offers readers a clear vision into the heart of Chris Tomlin.

    Many of us, including myself, love all the 'feels' associated with good worship music. This book reinforced something I knew, but didn't live in this me-driven world. Worship is not about me or about how it makes me feel or about how good the music or singer is. Instead, it begins and ends with our Holy, Holy, Holy God!

    Chris's explanation of worship - a worship led life is a movement from upward (love God) to inward (love yourself) to outward (love others) helped me and I'm sure will help others understand how to live a worship-led life in a me-driven world. I can say I will never fall back into my old ways of thinking about worship after reading this book.

    So after 21 chapters, 21 days, 21 minutes of daily reading, 21 minutes of daily praise worship with Chris Tomlin, as well as listening to the audiobook 4 times and shedding a lot of tears, I can say I highly recommend this book! And if you love Chris's music, this book offers insight into the reasons behind some of his best songs, which gives even more meaning to his music. It's truly a must-read for all Chris Tomlin fans! I highly recommend!

    Thank you, Chris, for sharing your God-given talent with the world as a worship singer and now as an author!

  3. Tina Boettcher
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    How Great Is Our God: Living a Worship-Led Life in a Me-Driven World
    March 19, 2024
    Tina Boettcher
    I LOVE THIS BOOK! I have read this book over and over and it is the true meaning of Worship to God who is greater then us, greater then the world and greater then our struggles. Sometimes we focus on the troubles of this world and not what God has for us. Our God is so much more then us, then anything we can struggle with. Through God we find our strength. When we Worship through song it releases stress and brings us a joy the world cannot take away, lets us lay it all at the cross of Jesus. We are part of a greater story, the greatest story that's ever been told...Jesus's Love Story to us. The world will fade away, all we have will be gone one day but God....he is everlasting, and He will never ever leave us. Seek God first in everything you do and he will bless the rest. Worship to God through music changes everything.
  4. Lisa Entrekin
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    amazing book!
    March 23, 2024
    Lisa Entrekin
    I loved the book How great is our God living a worship led life in a me centered world. that just came out. I loved each day and the stories that reflected living a worship led life and the sing with me section puts it all together with a time to worship. The questions at the end were great and made me reflect well. This book came out at the perfect time with things going on in my life to draw me back to focusing on the Lord with a heart of worship. Love this book and would highly recommend it to everyone.
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