1. God's Great Covenant: Old Testament 1 A Bible Course  for Children
    Claire A. Larsen
    Classical Academic Press / 2007 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$24.85 Retail Price$28.95 Save 14% ($4.10)
    4.7 out of 5 stars for God's Great Covenant: Old Testament 1 A Bible Course for Children. View reviews of this product. 16 Reviews
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  1. Nic
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    February 21, 2015
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    We changed to this for Bible this year since my daughter wasn't loving our past bible curriculums. She is in 3rd grade this year and I feel this was a perfect age to switch to this. If she were any younger she might not grasp some of it. I'm so glad we found this. She LOVES it and looks forward to it everyday. I did get the teacher guide but I seldom use it. I do, however, like the little side notes it offers. Sometimes we will talk about those together but as far as the answer keys I don't feel it's necessary. There are no suggestions on teaching it (by days, etc) so we worked it out this way:

    day 1- discuss memory page and do the suggested bible reading together

    day 2- read the summary

    day 3- re-read the summary and do worksheet pages

    day 4- go back over memory page and do the quiz orally

    sometimes we do a day 5- a craft that I've searched out to go with whatever chapter we are on.

    This has worked well for us so far and we plan on continuing this next year and on to get through OT2 and both NT books. Plus the price is awesome! Very affordable!
  2. Stacey
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Best Bible Curriculum!
    March 14, 2015
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    I used Volume 1 this year with my third grader and can't wait to move on to Volume 2 next year. This is one curriculum that I have no plans on changing! I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching this bible course this year and my daughter has learned so much! We put the key words/concepts on index cards so we can review them periodically. That's one of the strengths of this curriculum. The child isn't just learning bible facts, but can explain meatier biblical concepts like redemption, omniscience, sovereignty, repentance, mercy, etc. You can do as many of the activity sheets as you want to. Even if you just go over the lesson and discuss the questions orally, your child will learn a lot. Easy to use, pick and and go, and goes deeper than most material out there for this age.
  3. Michelle Albanese
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Excellent Bible Program for Elementary
    November 19, 2010
    Michelle Albanese
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    This program is very easy to use and my 2nd and 4th grader really like it. We start the day with Bible and it is their favorite time. I let them use modeling clay or draw or color while they listen. We read the story from the Bible on the first day and the Teacher's manual gives discussion suggestions and catechism (Westminster) questions. Then we listen to story being read by Classical Academic Press' Chris Perrin the second day. (The MP3 can be downloaded from CAP's website.) They like hearing someone else's voice for a change! We discuss it and answer some of the review worksheet questions orally. We practice the memory verse each day and may listen to the story again another day. Then we do the test orally another day. There are 31 chapters (from Creation to Job) and a review so I'm doing a chapter a week (which is 4 days for us). Chapter 32 is a review. CAP also has pretty maps and timelines on their site.
  4. Oracle Triple C
    Tucson, AZ
    Age: 35-44
    Gender: female
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Amazing... simply amazing!
    September 20, 2012
    Oracle Triple C
    Tucson, AZ
    Age: 35-44
    Gender: female
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    Wow! I purchased this curriculum for our Bible curriculum thinking that it would be the standard, average, run-of-the-mill Bible curriculum... Bible stories and verses! No way! It is so much more! Every story, verse, attribute of God points back to who God is: His faithfulness, enduring love, and passionate pursuit of His people! Best of all, my kids LOVE it! They are learning all about "Who God Is" and how he was at work and is still working in the world around us. I just can't say enough about how well thought out this curriculum is! I am learning right along with those kiddos of mine!
  5. amerebreath
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    excellent, high quality, deep curriculum
    March 2, 2016
    Quality: 0
    Value: 0
    Meets Expectations: 0
    I mainly wanted to write this review as some were saying not to go younger than 3rd grade. I am currently using this first book with my 5 year old and it is working so well. I don't strictly use this curriculum as laid out, but as a supplement to our family chronological Bible reading. I read the sections out of this workbook up to wherever we are in our Bible reading - then we pick and choose questions to go over orally. The "Who is God?" sections in each chapter are so good and where we spend the most study effort. These are one sentence summaries on who we learn God is in each section of Scripture. These are full of deep theology, but presented in a manner my five year old can grasp. I loom forward to cycling through these books with all of my children. We enjoy them very much and learn so much as well.
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