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Grade 2 Math PACEs 1013-1024
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Product Description
▼▲Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) curriculum has Scripture as its foundation, fully integrating biblical principles, wisdom, and character-building concepts into education. Students move at their own speed through the self-instructional "PACE" workbooks. Following the mastery approach, PACEs are formatted for students to complete the exercises found throughout the workbook, take a practice "self test," and conclude with a "final test" (torn out from the center), to measure understanding.
This set includes Math Grade 2 PACEs 1013-1024, which cover:
A variety of exercises help with review and retention. 35 pages each, paperback booklets. Grade 2. PACE 1013-1024.
Answers are not included, but are available in the sold-separately PACE Score Key Set.
Product Information
▼▲Title: Grade 2 Math PACEs 1013-1024 Format: Other Vendor: Accelerated Christian Education | Weight: 2 pounds 6 ounces Series: ACE PACEs Stock No: WW652511 |
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▼▲Q: Do the answer keys come with this packet or, do I get them seperate? I am not sure what all is included in this packet. There is not a lot of detail given. I am excited about CBD having ACE available now.Thanks
This does not include the answer keys, but we do carry them (CBD stock # WW652512).
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