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Gospel Shaped Outreach Leader's Guide
Product Description
▼▲Many Christians prefer to leave evangelism to church leaders and gifted individuals, but all believers are called to make disciples. The nine sessions in this curriculum don't offer quick fixes or evangelism "gimmicks." But by continually pointing us back to the gospel, they will give us the proper motivation to work together as a church to share the gospel message with those who are lost without Christ.
This Handbook contains all you need to take an active part in this exploration of gospel outreach - discussion questions, daily devotionals, Bible studies, and space for you to record your thoughts, prayers and ideas as you work through the material with your church.
Note: This resource is part of GOSPEL SHAPED CHURCH - a five-track curriculum from The Gospel Coalition. It is designed to take the whole church family on a journey to discover how the gospel should shape every part of their life and witness.
Product Information
▼▲Title: Gospel Shaped Outreach Leader's Guide By: Erik Raymond Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 192 Vendor: Good Book Company Publication Date: 2015 | Dimensions: 9.50 X 7.00 X 0.50 (inches) Weight: 11 ounces ISBN: 1909919292 ISBN-13: 9781909919297 Series: TGC Gospel Shaped Church Stock No: WW919297 |
Publisher's Description
▼▲Gospel Shaped Church is a curriculum from The Gospel Coalition that will help whole congregations pause and think carefully and prayerfully about the kind of church they are called to be.
This nine-week whole-church resource will help members see both the priority of evangelism for our churches, and to see the role that everyone can play in reaching out to those who are lost without Christ. The Leader's Guide contains everything you need to lead this flexible course.
Many Christians are nervous about telling someone else about Jesus. We prefer to leave it up to the preacher, or to those we see as particularly gifted for evangelism in our congregations. But all believers are called to make disciples. The nine sessions in this curriculum don't offer quick fixes or evangelism "gimmicks". But by continually pointing us back to the gospel, they will give us the proper motivation to work together as a church to share the gospel message with those who are lost without Christ.
This flexible resource will train your whole church through teaching, preaching, daily reading and small-group Bible study and discussionor any combination of those elements. The overall aim is that your church will embark on a journey to discover the kind of people they should be as they are shaped by the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Works alongside the Gospel Shaped Outreach DVD and the Gospel Shaped Outreach Handbook for use by church members.
Author Bio
▼▲About Gospel Shaped Church
▼▲Gospel Shaped Church is a five-module course from The Gospel Coalition. It is designed to take the whole church family on a journey to discover how the gospel should shape every part of their life and witness. Five immersive modules look at the impact of the gospel on worship, outreach, daily living, work and caring for those in need.
Each presenter has been hand-picked by The Gospel Coalition for their faithfulness to the gospel as well as their clear and engaging teaching style. Each module is made up of video teaching sessions, group discussions, Bible studies and personal devotional readings. The flexible sessions can be run in whole-church seminars, or in a smaller home-group setting.
To run each module you need a Leader's Kit (containing a Leader's Guide, DVD and sample Handbook) as well as extra Handbooks for use by course participants. Extra Leader's Guides as required.
How Does It Work?
▼▲DVD Teaching Session - These main teaching sessions are the core of the material. The DVD presentations last between 12 and 20 minutes, and are broken down into sections to allow for discussion and questions from the Handbook. They include short dramas and interviews. These could be run at a regular Sunday-school hour, at specially arranged meetings, or used as material for your mid-week small groups.
Daily Devotionals - In order to keep people reflecting on the gospel throughout the week, each session includes six daily devotionals for church members to use each day. These are also available to download to an app for smartphones and tablets. Reflecting on Scripture and praying each day will keep people thinking about the issues and questions that were discussed at the main teaching session.
Sermon Series Ideas - We've provided some ideas for passages that an expository series could be based on, so that the weekly preaching is also focused on the theme you are exploring together as a church. Choose the passages that you think will best bring out the themes for your church. Theres space in the Handbook for church members to make notes.
Small-group studies - Supporting Bible studies for mid-week groups are also included for those churches using the teaching session material on Sundays. These studies, focused clearly on a single Bible passage, will illustrate the question under scrutiny for the week, and give space for members to ask questions and pray for each other and the life of the church.
Leader's Resources - All you could need to make the most of this curriculum is contained in the comprehensive Leader's Guide for each track, including guidance on answering session and Bible-study questions.
And even more! - More resources to supplement, extend and promote this whole-church exploration are available to download, including talk scripts, feedback forms, DVD trailers, bulletin PDFs and promotional material.
About the Author/Presenter
▼▲Eric Raymond is the Preaching Pastor at Emmaus Bible Church in Omaha, NE. He is married to Christie and has six children. Erik frequently writes for The Gospel Coalition, Ligonier and Tabletalk. He blogs at theordinarypastor.
Editorial Reviews
▼▲As the church in the Western world faces a crossroads with regard to making and building disciples in the context of a culture growing increasingly disinterested and even hostile to the truth of Christianity, Erik Raymond has given us a timely and much needed resource to help equip church members to a faithful and zealous propagation of the Gospel. Written in a 9 week devotional/study guide format, Gospel-Shaped Outreach is perfect for one-on-one discipleship or for a small group. There is a dire need for this resource. It will be a great aid in assisting church members to focus on the fact that God has called them to be co-laborers in the work and mission of gathering people to Jesus. -- Nick Batzig (Pastor at New Covenant Presbyterian Church, Savannah GA)
Thinking theologically about evangelism is one thing. Passionately practicing evangelism is another. Thankfully, Erik Raymond's life is a testimony to both. Gospel Shaped Outreach is likewise both sound and tested, making it an important training tool for the church's great commission ministry. The straightforward structure and flexibility will equip entire congregations and foster the unity that only authentic gospel ministry can bring (Philippians 1:27). -- Patrick Abendroth (Pastor at Omaha Bible Church, Omaha, NE)
I think the material is great. Simple to use and extremely practical. I think it's going to be a great tool for the church. Definitely worth a cheeky whirl! -- Mez McConnell (Director of 20schemes)
Implementing an evangelism program in your local church is not difficult. The difficulty is always sustaining it. Our failures to create an evangelistic church arise from focusing our attention on the mechanics rather the heart of the evangelists. Erik Raymond understands this. Gospel Shaped Outreach goes after the heart and mind of Christians. Erik clearly understands that the local church is Gods program for the evangelization of the world and that the most effective methodology is the impassioned Christian. -- Byron Yawn (Senior Pastor, Community Bible Church, Nashville, TN)
Cultivating an evangelistic, missionary, gospel-focused community does not happen by accident. It requires intentionality. Gospel Shaped Outreach is an excellent tool that can help a church accomplish this God glorifying goal. I am delighted to commend its widest possible use. Work through it and then go and do what it teaches. -- Daniel L Akin (President, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, NC.)
Church is for Christians to assemble, worship, get fed and equipped to go and make disciples. For too many years our churches have taken the easy road by inviting the lost to church and calling it evangelism. This well intentioned trend of inviting the tares into the church in hopes they will become wheat has to stop.Is this easy? No.Is it Biblical? Yes.Is it doable? Absolutely. And Gospel Shaped Church will help.Erik Raymond does a masterful job of motivating the church to become Gospel-centered evangelists by utilizing the very thing he promotes: the Gospel. The Gospel Shaped Church is not a movement, it is Biblical. If you have been looking for a tool to equip your flock to become soul-winners, look no further. -- Todd Friel (Author and Host of Wretched Radio)
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