Gospel in Parable- The.
Stock No: WW0624807
Gospel in Parable- The.   -     By: John R. Donahue

Gospel in Parable- The.

Augsburg Fortress / 1990 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW0624807

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Stock No: WW0624807
Augsburg Fortress / 1990 / Paperback

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Product Description

This book is helpful in reviewing the parables that are in the gospel in context to the time that they were written. It provides several thought provoking interpretations.

Product Information

Title: Gospel in Parable- The.
By: John R. Donahue
Format: Paperback
Vendor: Augsburg Fortress
Publication Date: 1990
Weight: 12 ounces
ISBN: 0800624807
ISBN-13: 9780800624804
Stock No: WW0624807

Publisher's Description

Professor Donahue here argues that "the parables of Jesus" offer a Gospel in miniature, while at the same time giving shape, direction, and meaning to the Gospels in which they appear. "To study the parables of the Gospels is to study the gospel in parable." After surveying recent discussions of parable, metaphor, and narrative, Donahue examines and interprets the parables of Mark, Matthew, and Luke as texts in the context of the theology of each of these Gospels. Finally, he outlines what "The Gospel in Parable" looks like and offers suggestions for the proclamation of parables today.

Author Bio

John R. Donahue, S.J., is Professor of New Testament at the Jesuit School of Theology, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California.

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