God's Remedy for Rejection - eBook
Stock No: WW45701EB
God's Remedy for Rejection - eBook  -     By: Derek Prince

God's Remedy for Rejection - eBook

Whitaker House / 2002 / ePub

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Whitaker House / 2002 / ePub
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Product Description

Rejection is a common experience that can cause permanent, spiritual wounds. Author Derek Prince shows how rejection is the root of many problems such as substance abuse, difficulty with relationships, rebellion, and depression. God has made a way to heal your wounds of rejection and bring you into acceptance with Himself and the whole family of God. Discover how to apply God's remedy for rejection to your heart, and you can leave the effects of rejection behind!

Product Information

Title: God's Remedy for Rejection - eBook
By: Derek Prince
Format: DRM Protected ePub
Vendor: Whitaker House
Publication Date: 2002
ISBN: 9781603747516
ISBN-13: 9781603747516
Stock No: WW45701EB

Publisher's Description

Rejection. It’s a horrible feeling that you don’t quite match up, that you’re forever falling short, that you’ll never live up to others’ expectations. We’ve all faced it, whether it’s being last-pick for the softball team at school, being overlooked for a promotion at work, or being excluded from a group of friends. Sometimes the rejection runs even deeper. Feelings of loneliness and inadequacy are hard to handle.
The good news is there’s a remedy. It’s in Jesus Christ, who faced the ultimate rejection and therefore knows how it feels. In bearing our sins, He was rejected by the Father and by us, His own creation, as well. He knows how it hurts.
Because He faced that pain, we no longer need to. He’s planned another life for us, a life of acceptance in His family and freedom from rejection. Let go of the shame and enjoy the Father’s embrace today.

Author Bio

Derek Prince (1915–2003) was born in Bangalore, India, into a British military family. He was educated as a scholar of classical languages at Eton College and Cambridge University in England and later at Hebrew University, Israel. As a student, he was a philosopher and self-proclaimed agnostic. While serving with the Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC) during World War II, Prince began to study the Bible as a philosophical work. Converted through a powerful encounter with Jesus Christ, he was baptized in the Holy Spirit a few days later. This life-changing experience altered the whole course of his life, which he thereafter devoted to studying and teaching the Bible as the Word of God.
Internationally recognized as a Bible scholar and spiritual patriarch, Derek Prince taught and ministered on six continents for more than sixty years. Until a few years before his death at the age of 88, he traveled the world, imparting God’s revealed truth, praying for the sick and afflicted, and sharing his prophetic insights into world events in the light of Scripture. He is the author of over eighty books, six hundred audio teachings, and one hundred video teachings, many of which have been translated and published in more than one hundred languages. He pioneered teaching on such groundbreaking themes as generational curses, the biblical significance of Israel, and demonology.
Derek Prince Ministries, with its international headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina, continues to distribute his teachings and to train missionaries, church leaders, and congregations through its worldwide national offices. It is estimated that Derek Prince’s messages have reached more than half the globe through his books, CDs, and daily radio program, which is now known as Derek Prince Legacy Radio. In 2002 he said, "It is my desire—and I believe the Lord’s desire—that this ministry continue the work, which God began through me over sixty years ago, until Jesus returns."

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