1. God's Appointed Times
    Barney Kasdan
    Messianic Jewish Publishers / 1993 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$11.85 Retail Price$17.99 Save 34% ($6.14)
    4.8 out of 5 stars for God's Appointed Times. View reviews of this product. 6 Reviews
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  1. Gwen
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    December 8, 2009
    This is an excellent resource for those wishing to understand God's revelation of His plan through the feasts of Israel. Barney Kasdan writes in an easy-to-read format. It wasn't until I read this book that I understood the deeper meaning of communion (the Lord's supper). By understanding Passover and its significance in God's plan, I understood that the cup we drink from in the communion service was the Cup of Redemption in the Passover seder. All of the feasts point to Messiah. This little book will enrich your faith. I have purchased dozens over the years to give them to friends. Excellent resource!!
  2. Candy South
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    August 21, 2005
    Candy South
    This is a very well thought out book. I truly learned ALOT from reading it. I think ALL believers in Messiah should have this and Gods Appointed Customs on their shelf.
  3. Genelle Fredericks
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    December 7, 2008
    Genelle Fredericks
    A very wonderful addition to any library. Will help other family members celebrate with their Messianic Jewish kin.
  4. Yvonne Lee
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    March 21, 2001
    Yvonne Lee
    This book explains the Biblical, historical and current practices of God's appointed feasts, and gives instruction for believers in Messiah who want to celebrate either at home or with a local congregation.It does a lot of demystification and provides practical tips, including recipes.It's a must.
  5. Laurie J Herlickman
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    November 14, 2000
    Laurie J Herlickman
    A very insightful book.
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