1. God Will Make a Way
    Dr. Henry Cloud, Dr. John Townsend
    Thomas Nelson / 2006 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$8.49 Retail Price$19.99 Save 58% ($11.50)
    5.0 out of 5 stars for God Will Make a Way. View reviews of this product. 2 Reviews
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  1. Jodi Brown
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    October 15, 2007
    Jodi Brown
    This book has taken my life into a whole new level with the Lord. I was literally living in a world of anger, hostility,and fighting with my spouse and children to seeing through the eyes of a new born child. It is such a different light, a whole new WORLD when we "LET GO,LET GOD", and I love to sit back and look at how He brings us these things to use in our lives to make us better for Him. Dr. Cloud hit so many points that are so true to life....please read this and use his ideas, put them to test in your life.....I GUARANTEE you WILL be changed for the better!!!!
  2. Eb Jackson
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    December 7, 2002
    Eb Jackson
    This review was written for .
    Tired of trying to make your own way? This book is for you. Dr. Cloud points to the fact that, ultimately, God is in control. Yielding to His perfect will is simply an act of responsible Christianity. I also recommend | THE PRAYER OF HANNAH | by Kenn Gividen
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