Larry BurkettMoody Publishers / 1998 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$4.572.9 out of 5 stars for Giving & Tithing. View reviews of this product. 8 Reviews
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James5 Stars Out Of 5April 29, 2010JamesIn the first place, let's call it what it should be, "giving" not "tithing". I don't care much for the mega church thing, because it does build a heap of trouble and temptation for professional hirelings. The giving of a tenth is like training wheels, it teaches you how to give, then you remove those restraints and give more and as much as you want, instead of trying to figure out how little you can get by with giving to God and still be legal. Seek how much you can give God, not how little. I pastor out of my home receiving $500.00 a month and the church pays my utilities ($200.00 including a cell), no benefits or retirement. My cheerful giving of $350-400.00 a month (God's blessing) pays 1/2 of the church's $850.00 budget. The Bible is one book, read the whole book, if you are His child He will speak to you about it, if you are not seeking God in your search, you will be able to avoid Him, for now. If you don't want to give, it's in vain to anyway. All your doing is planting another's crop.
Connie Catalano5 Stars Out Of 5January 29, 2010Connie CatalanoLarry Burkett always inspires and teaches so well. He put me in the right direction with this quick little read.
Dan Smith5 Stars Out Of 5December 9, 2009Dan SmithTithing is an Old Testament concept. The tithe was a requirement of the law in which all Israelites were to give 10 percent of everything they earned and grew to the Tabernacle/Temple (Leviticus 27:30; Numbers 18:26; Deuteronomy 14:24; 2 Chronicles 31:5). In fact, the Old Testament Law required multiple tithes which would have pushed the total to around 23.3 percent, not the 10 percent which is generally considered the tithe amount today. law. Awesome Book!! Ask God for wisdom if you are not sure. Blessings !!
Roy Ingle2 Stars Out Of 5March 6, 2002Roy IngleI purchased this book in a year long study on tithing. I wanted a book that was pro-tithing and would offer scriptural insights and exposition on tithing texts and how it relates to the NT disciple. This book does not do that.While I greatly appreciate the heart of Larry Burkett, this is not one of his better books. His "proof texting" for tithing is ambigious and he never offers other opinions to tithing texts. He never gives NT evidence that the early church practiced and taught tithing. The evidence is clear, tithing is needed today because of huge pastoral salaries, building programs, and more and more programs that have little impact on our culture. Let us repent and return to the NT pratice of giving for the purpose of helping the poor, providing for the saints in need, and church planting and not 85% of all money going to buildings (as in the American church).
LaTrease2 Stars Out Of 5July 8, 2008LaTreaseI agree that tithing is not a requirement for New Testament Christians. If pastors would preach more on giving to the poor, widows, and orphans instead of mega church buildings then half of people that are hungry and homeless wouldn't be in the state their in. It amazes me to see a pastor driving around in a Lexus while telling his members on social security that they should give more.
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