The God of the Garden: Thoughts on Creation, Culture, and the Kingdom
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The God of the Garden: Thoughts on Creation, Culture, and the Kingdom  -     By: Andrew Peterson

The God of the Garden: Thoughts on Creation, Culture, and the Kingdom

B&H Books / 2021 / Paperback

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B&H Books / 2021 / Paperback

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Product Description

Whether it's humans being created from dirt, passing along seed, or bearing the fruit of the Spirit, biblical arboreal language reflects theological truths. In this beautiful memoir, Peterson assures you that the divine Gardener is always guiding us as he plants, prunes, and reaps a harvest of righteousness springing from the good soil of our hearts. 176 pages, softcover from B&H.

Product Information

Title: The God of the Garden: Thoughts on Creation, Culture, and the Kingdom
By: Andrew Peterson
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 176
Vendor: B&H Books
Publication Date: 2021
Dimensions: 8.5 X 5.5 X 0.44 (inches)
Weight: 9 ounces
ISBN: 1087736951
ISBN-13: 9781087736952
Stock No: WW7736952

Publisher's Description

There’s a strong biblical connection between people and trees. They both come from dirt. They’re both told to bear fruit. In fact, arboreal language is so often applied to humans that it’s easy to miss, whether we're talking about family trees, passing along our seed, cutting someone off like a branch, being rooted to a place, or bearing the fruit of the Spirit. It’s hard to deny that trees mean something, theologically speaking.

This book is in many ways a memoir, but it’s also an attempt to wake up the reader to the glory of God shining through his creation.
One of the first commands to Adam and Eve was to "work and keep" the garden. Award-winning author and songwriter Andrew Peterson, being as honest as possible, shares a story of childhood, grief, redemption, and peace, by walking through a forest of memories: "I trust that by telling my story, you’ll encounter yours. Hopefully, like me, you’ll see that the God of the Garden is and has always been present, working and keeping what he loves."

Sometimes he plants, sometimes he prunes, but in his goodness he intends to reap a harvest of righteousness.

Author Bio

Andrew Peterson is an award-winning singer-songwriter and author. In 2008, driven by a desire to cultivate a strong Christian arts community, Andrew founded a ministry called The Rabbit Room, which led to a yearly conference, countless concerts and symposiums, and Rabbit Room Press, which has published thirty books to date.

He and Jamie have been married for twenty-six years, with three grown children and two brand new daughters-in-law—all of whom have planted memories deep in the soil of their acreage in Nashville. In his spare time, Andrew keeps bees, builds stone walls, gardens, draws, and waxes poetic about footpaths.

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