1. Four Views on the Warning Passages in Hebrews
    Edited by Herbert W. Bateman IV
    Kregel Publications / 2007 / Trade Paperback
    Our Price$24.60 Retail Price$32.99 Save 25% ($8.39)
    5.0 out of 5 stars for Four Views on the Warning Passages in Hebrews. View reviews of this product. 2 Reviews
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  1. c.j.
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    August 17, 2009
    If you like reading debate books which presentdifferent views, and then critique the prosand cons of each viewpoint, this book is thefirst of its kind among the debate books because it heavily uses exegetical data fromthe Greek text of Hebrews. A somewhat knowledge of Greek is necessary (using aGreek-English Interlinear NT recommended)in order to mine the treasures from this book. One author said that he who understandsall the warning pssages in Hebrews correctly,will understand the doctrine of perseverance.After reading this book, you will be convincedof thta fact. Two authors lean toward Calvinism and two authors lead towardArminianism. The introduction by Batemanon pages 22 - 85 is superb and should beread first before reading any of the fourviews presented in this book. For those whoknow Greek, this book will provide a good work-out of that Greek. The only slightdrawback is that this book is for an audiencethat knows or must want to know Greek. However,to conduct such a debate on the warning passages in Hebrews, Greek exegesis is required for doing so. Only read this bookif you are willing to know what the Greektext of Hebrews communicates in the warningpassages found in Hebrews 2:1-4, 3:6-4:13, 5:11-6:12, 10:19-39, 12:14-29. It is wellworth the reading!
  2. Teutonic Warrior
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    The Best Resource I Know of on This Topic
    May 1, 2019
    Teutonic Warrior
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    This book is the best place I know of to study this topic. Those interested in studying the debate about eternal security will find a robust defense of the varying sides in this debate. In my personal opinion, Grant R. Osborne had the best exegetical defense of his position, however the other contributors write lucidly and eloquently for their respective views. I highly recommend it!
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