Tyndale House / 2015 / Imitation LeatherOur Price$12.864.7 out of 5 stars for My First Hands-on Bible--soft leather-look, pretty pink. View reviews of this product. 54 Reviews
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Sarah PDubuque, IAAge: 35-44Gender: female5 Stars Out Of 5Practical ideas for the teacher in hands on prints on every storyJanuary 6, 2018Sarah PDubuque, IAAge: 35-44Gender: femaleQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5This review was written for My First Hands-on Bible, softcover.When I first got it, I wasn't sure about it. It's a Bible storybook that is heavy, small with busy pictures and hands on the pages. So even as a read aloud with one child, it seemed busy. But as I started using it and reading it, I realized how amazing all the text really is.
Click here for sample pages so you can see what I am talking about!
Here are features that I love about this:
It is not a 'story' book that an author is paraphrasing the Bible. The Bible stories are shared from the New Living Translation. So it is a Bible. 85 stories in it. 39 OT, 46 NT
The verses are marked and references are clear for all the stories. Making this pre-school Bible one that most kids would see as a "Bible." with verses marked.
The illustrations are watercolor type style, friendly faces, and have details that would focus the children looking at them. It's beautiful.
The pages are durable, shiny, and heavy. 5 stars for PRACTICAL with kids. It's not going to rip easily, the pages won't slide and change your page easily, etc.
Table of Contents- sounds silly, but as a veteran kidmin person, being able to look in the front, see all the stories (WITH their actual scripture references) makes this book SO much more functional.
Size- I found it small for using with small groups, but it's the perfect size to toss in my bag and take with me for teaching- and the ideas after each story and in the margins while you read it, are so well done, developmentally appropriate, engaging that I miss it if I don't have it.
Jesus Connection- Every story ends with a connection to how Jesus is in the story, even if he's not mentioned.
Handprints- the busy hands on the pages- are actually motions, look for ___ in the pictures for you to have the children do as and think as the story is read. (Hence hands-on Bible.) THIS IS MY FAVORITE REASON I love this Bible, they are simple, yet SUPER effective ideas that fit the busy learning styles of children. So developmentally appropriate.
This bible would be great and the perfect size to have every child have their own copy while you read.
The Kangaroo and the lamb at the end of each story have two activities to make the story come alive or connect to a child's life. And as a reading teacher, this is where comprehension of a story occurs-- building connections and background knowledge. (another brilliant WIN for this kid's book.)
Thank you Tyndale for the opportunity to review this little kid Bible. I use it regularly in my teaching, and really am surprised how valuable a tool it has become for me. If I could improve it- I would like this illustrators versions of the story on cards, or a Big book, to share. I love how alive the images are to the reader. -
angel5135 Stars Out Of 5Great for childrenJuly 14, 2017angel513Quality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5This review was written for My First Hands-On Bible.I purchased for my 5 year old grandson. The illustrations help to tell the stories and keep his attention. Great way to introduce them to the Bible.
smile smileAge: 25-345 Stars Out Of 5Great for toddlers and preschoolers!April 3, 2012smile smileAge: 25-34This review was written for My First Hands-On Bible.We have been using this Bible for several months now and I will say that it is one THE best. While reading, it is beneficial if we use creative connections to the passage that is being read. It definitely helps children see the passage from different perspectives. But there are days when I am tired and my creativity runs dry after a long day. I feel guilty of just reading the book to my son for the sake of it.
But when we use this Bible, I do not have to wear a thinking hat on what to say to connect the scripture to reality. It is because there are little suggestions on every page on what we can do. For eg. when we read Jonah's story, the suggestion says " act like you are on a rocking ship". So I just sit and act like I am on a ship on stormy seas. And my son looks in awe of the dramatic enactment that mommy just did! It definitely adds life and animation to our reading time. This is the best thing I like about the Bible, as a parent.
My little boy loves Cuddles the sheep who can be found at the end of each read. Pockets the kangaroo says a little, simple prayer that is related to the chapter that was read.
This Bible helps preschoolers learn about Bible stories in a lively and interactive way. There is not a dull moment, when you pull out this Bible for reading time! -
Lil Mama5 Stars Out Of 5Great Little BibleDecember 30, 2020Lil MamaQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5So my kid is way older than the suggested age and she has chosen this as her favorite Bible out of all the various Bibles we've purchased and tried with her. The activities are fun & silly sometimes but that doesn't stop my sweet upper elementary age child from doing them. I think the Bible is cute and the stories are short and sweet. I love the "Let's Talk" and "It's Time to Pray" sections. She also has more age appropriate Bibles but just loves this one. We highly recommend this.
Learning Every DayNortheast OhioAge: 35-44Gender: female5 Stars Out Of 5Impressed by conceptJune 3, 2013Learning Every DayNortheast OhioAge: 35-44Gender: femaleQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5This review was written for My First Hands-On Bible.I've been using this Bible for devotions with my 3 and 5 year old boys, and my 13 year old autistic son. They really enjoy the pictures and reading the notes in the margins to me. The activities at the end are simple and fun and provide great interactive time together.
This Bible isn't just 'stories'-- it is actual New Living Translation Bible verses.
I love it, and I'm excited about continuing reading this Bible with my children.
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