The Fire of God's Presence: Drawing Near to a Holy God
Edited By: James L. Snyder
Stock No: WW234026
The Fire of God's Presence: Drawing Near to a Holy God  -     Edited By: James L. Snyder
    By: A. W. Tozer

The Fire of God's Presence: Drawing Near to a Holy God

Edited By: James L. Snyder
Bethany House / 2020 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW234026

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Bethany House / 2020 / Paperback

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Product Description

What is keeping you from experiencing God's presence in your life? One of the most influential pastors in recent history, Tozer uses the story of Moses' encounter with God at the burning bush to teach us why and how to kneel and worship in a spirit of reverence and holiness. Never before available in print. 192 pages, softcover from Bethany.

Product Information

Title: The Fire of God's Presence: Drawing Near to a Holy God
By: A. W. Tozer
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 192
Vendor: Bethany House
Publication Date: 2020
Dimensions: 8.50 X 5.50 (inches)
Weight: 7 ounces
ISBN: 0764234021
ISBN-13: 9780764234026
Stock No: WW234026

Publisher's Description

Many people believe in God and believe that God is everywhere, but they have yet to experience his presence. What did it mean for Moses to encounter God at the burning bush? How did it change his life and his perception of God? What is keeping you from experiencing his presence in your life?

It was in that burning bush experience that Moses began to understand and appreciate the sacredness of worship. Through this book, Tozer teaches how proper worship has to be equal to the one we are worshiping, so if we are worshiping God, we must do it on his terms. This means having a spirit of reverence and holiness--like Moses taking off his shoes and kneeling before him.

The bush's fire did not frighten Moses, but rather it poured the essence of sacredness into his life, giving him an experience he had never had before. Let this book teach you how, like Moses, to kneel and worship before God's holy fire.

Author Bio

A.W. Tozer (1897-1963) was a self-taught theologian, pastor, and writer whose powerful words continue to grip the intellect and stir the soul of today's believer. He authored more than 40 books. The Pursuit of God and The Knowledge of the Holy are considered modern devotional classics. Get Tozer information and quotes at

Reverend James L. Snyder is recognized as an authority on A.W. Tozer. His first book, In Pursuit of God: The Life of A.W. Tozer, won the Reader's Choice Award in 1992 from Christianity Today. James and his wife live in Ocala, Florida.

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