From the stay-at-home moms to globe-trotting executives, from singles to seniors, every modern woman has asked this question: "How do I juggle it all?" Now,
Find Balance helps you discover God's road map to peace, place, rest, and delight in this crazy, contemporary life. In this highly practical, re-released study based on her book,
The Life Ready Woman, speaker, author, wife, and mother, Shaunti Feldhahn helps you arrive at God's best for you. In this study, you'll discover His plan and purposes for you as a woman and an individual, who has been given very unique callings, challenges, gifts, and opportunities.
Find Balance equips you to:
- experience more of life - with less regret
- minimize stress
- find clear direction about God's priority for you
- bring a biblical balance to life
- discover clarity in relationships, both with God and men
- develop a personal plan for fulfilling God's callings
With this culturally relevant, video-guided experience, women of all ages, stages, and backgrounds will be empowered to think purposefully about life. At times, this journey will involve taking courageous steps of faith; at other times, it will involve waiting for open doors. But in the end, you'll learn not only how to survive but how to thrive in our do-it-all world.