Faith-Based Fitness
Stock No: WW71376
Faith-Based Fitness   -     By: Kenneth Cooper

Faith-Based Fitness

Thomas Nelson / 1997 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW71376

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Stock No: WW71376
Thomas Nelson / 1997 / Paperback

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Product Description

You've tried, but all the money you've put into diet books, health clubs, and exercise equipment hasn't given you the results you were hoping for. What to do now? Get spiritually fit first! World-renowned fitness expert and devout Christian Dr. Cooper says your faith can unlock the door to fitness. He shares his own experiences and the latest research to help you achieve lasting health. 256 pages, hardcover from Nelson.

Product Information

Title: Faith-Based Fitness
By: Kenneth Cooper
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 256
Vendor: Thomas Nelson
Publication Date: 1997
Dimensions: 9 X 6 (inches)
Weight: 12 ounces
ISBN: 0785271376
ISBN-13: 9780785271376
Stock No: WW71376

Publisher's Description

If you find yourself talking about health and fitness, but never achieving your goal, take heart--you're not alone. Research shows that in spite of the fitness craze and constant studies showing the value of exercise and proper nutrition, nearly forty-eight million adults in the United States lead sedentary lives, with one third of us overweight.

Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper's Faith-Based Fitness helps you turn your words into action with a comprehensive, on-target regimen that pinpoints the relationship between spiritual faith and physical health. Known as the "Father of Aerobics," Dr. Cooper now reveals the link between spirituality and exercise and nutrition that will enable you to:

  • Live a longer, more energetic life
  • Lower your risk of heart disease
  • Reduce the chance of cancer
  • Develop a stronger immune system
  • Handle stress and balance your emotional outlook
  • Experience fewer backaches and headaches

"Dr. Cooper tells us why belief in God can lead to better health and fitness. I urge individuals to give themselves the spiritual checkup prescribed by him in this significant book. . . . I heartily commend Faith-Based Fitness to you." --Rev. Billy Graham

"Faith-Based Fitness is a breakthrough book by a medical doctor to call our attention to the fact that all of the prescriptions for physical fitness . . . are incomplete and inadequate without the infusion of positive belief in God who created this remarkable organism and designed it to be a source of amazing energy--physical, mental and spiritual." --Dr. Robert H. Schuller, bestselling author of Prayer: My Soul's Adventure with God

"Faith-Based Fitness is the classic example of a book written to take you from where you are to where you would like to be--physically. More importantly, it ties physical condition to spiritual reality." --Zig Ziglar, President of The Zig Ziglar Corporation

"Finally, Dr. Ken Cooper has given us the long-sought link between faith and fitness. If your beliefs are important to you--and you want to get into better shape?Faith-Based Fitness is the book for you." --Tom Landry, Former head coach of the Dallas Cowboys

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