Faces of Latin American Protestantism,
Stock No: WW2842259
Faces of Latin American Protestantism,   -     By: Jose Miguez Bonino

Faces of Latin American Protestantism,

Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. / 1996 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW2842259
Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. / 1996 / Paperback

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Product Description

Only recently have Protestant historians begun to address historical, ideological, and theological questions in relation to the Protestant church in Latin America. In this book renowned theologian Jose Miguez Bonino distinguishes four "faces" with which Protestantism appears in Latin America: the mission and expansion of mainline churches, the evangelical missionary wave at the turn of the nineteenth century, the growth of Pentecostalism, and the Protestant immigration churches from Europe all along modern Latin American history.
In order to understand these religious expressions, Miguez Bonino relates internal conditions in Latin America to international relations, explores the religious and theological Anglo-Saxon trends that fed early Protestantism in Latin America, and discusses the transformations experienced by these churches in the local cultural, social and religious conditions prevalent at different times in Latin America. Working from the thesis that evangelicalism has been the common denominator of all Protestant churches in Latin America, Miguez Bonino offers a theological critique of these different "faces" of Protestantism, discusses the conflicts that have appeared since the 1940s in the polarization of fundamentalism, evangelicalism, and liberation theology, and suggests a rereading of the evangelical tradition along trinitarian and missiological lines.

Product Information

Title: Faces of Latin American Protestantism,
By: Jose Miguez Bonino
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 158
Vendor: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
Publication Date: 1996
Weight: 8 ounces
ISBN: 0802842259
ISBN-13: 9780802842251
Stock No: WW2842259

Publisher's Description

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Only recently have protestant histories begun to address historical, ideological, and theological questions in relation to the Protestant church in Latin America. In this book renowned theologian José Míguez Bonino distinguishes four "faces" with which Protestantism appears in Latin America: the mission and expansion of mainline churches, the evangelical missionary wave at the turn of the nineteenth century, the growth of Pentecostalism, and the Protestant immigration churches from Europe all along modern Latin American history.

In order to understand these religious expressions, Míguez Bonino relates internal conditions in Latin America to international relations, explores the religious and theological Anglo-Saxon trends that fed early Protestantism in Latin America, and discusses the transformations experienced by these churches in the local cultural, social, and religious conditions prevalent at different times in Latin America. Working from the thesis that evangelicalism has been the common denominator of all Protestant churches in Latin America, Míguez Bonino offers a theological critique of these different "faces" of Protestantism, discusses the conflicts that have appeared since the 1940s in the polarization of fundamentalism, evangelicalism, and liberation theology, and suggests a rereading of the evangelical tradition along trinitarian and missiological lines.

Author Bio

José Míguez Bonino is professor emeritus of systematic theology and ethics at the Facultad Evangélica de Teología, ISEDET, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Among his numerous books are Doing Theology in a Revolutionary Situation and Toward a Christian Political Ethics.

Editorial Reviews

Jürgen Moltmann
—University of Tübingen
"José Míguez Bonino was predestined to write this comprehensive and illuminating book on Latin American Protestantism! He looks at religious developments from a sociological as well as from a theological perspective. This book will help Roman Catholic bishops to understand better what they used to call 'Protestant sects,' and it will help the very different Protestant groups to understand their mission in an ecumenical and trinitarian way."

C. René Padilla
—Kairos Community, Buenos Aires
"A masterful presentation of a key to understanding the Protestant movement in its various expressions in Latin America."

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