Exploring the Bible: A Bible Reading Plan for Kids
Stock No: WW556869
Exploring the Bible: A Bible Reading Plan for Kids   -     By: David Murray

Exploring the Bible: A Bible Reading Plan for Kids

Crossway / 2017 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW556869

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Stock No: WW556869
Crossway / 2017 / Paperback

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Product Description

Introduce your 6- to 12-year-olds to the most important passages and big-picture story line of the Bible! Each of the 365 entries includes a brief Scripture passage and space to write a daily prayer, along with either a question to answer or a verse to write out. Also features book introductions and space for weekly sermon notes. 192 pages, softcover from Crossway.

Product Information

Title: Exploring the Bible: A Bible Reading Plan for Kids
By: David Murray
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 224
Vendor: Crossway
Publication Date: 2017
Dimensions: 9.00 X 7.25 (inches)
Weight: 13 ounces
ISBN: 1433556863
ISBN-13: 9781433556869
Ages: 6-12
Stock No: WW556869

Publisher's Description

This simple, gospel-centered, 365-day Bible reading plan guides children ages 6–12 through the most important passages of the Bible, helping them see and appreciate the big-picture storyline of Scripture.

Author Bio

David Murray (PhD, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) has pastored four churches in Scotland and the USA. He is also a counselor, a regular speaker at conferences, and the author of several books, including Reset and Exploring the Bible. David has taught Old Testament, counseling, and pastoral theology at various seminaries.

Scotty Reifsnyder (MFA, Temple University) is assistant professor of art and design at West Chester University in Pennsylvania. He worked at the award-winning design studio Headcase Design in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and has done illustrative and design work for Chronicle Books, Disney/Pixar, GQ, Time magazine, the Boston Globe, the New Yorker, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and Wired magazine.

Donald S. Whitney (PhD, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa) is professor of biblical spirituality and John H. Powell endowed chair of pastoral ministry at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Missouri. He has written several books, including Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life. Don blogs regularly at BiblicalSpirituality.org.


"There is so much I could say to commend Exploring the Bible, but any praise would pale in comparison to this, the ultimate parental endorsement: I gave all three of my children Exploring the Bible as their very first experience of personal devotions. All three used it, all three enjoyed it, and all three benefited tremendously from using it. I wholeheartedly recommend it for your children, too."

--Tim Challies, blogger, Challies.com

"This Bible reading plan has it all—engaging graphics, kid-sized reading assignments, space for reflection, and helpful commentary. What an exciting endeavor—to help children read (for themselves!) an overview of the Bible in a year! I can't wait to give away copies of Exploring the Bible to the kids in my life."

--Gloria Furman, author, The Pastor's Wife; Missional Motherhood; and Alive in Him

"Too many times children are told about the Bible without ever being encouraged to read the text themselves. In his book Exploring the Bible, David Murray has given a gift to disciple-making parents everywhere. This resource will help children and families dig into the riches of the Bible while subtly teaching the necessity of daily reading and learning with God's people. I can see individual children using it or whole families sharing their discoveries around the dinner table. As you seek to raise disciples who are hungry for and knowledgeable of the Word, this resource will be invaluable."

--Chap Bettis, author, The Disciple-Making Parent

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