3 Stars Out Of 5
3 out of 5
4 out Of 5
(4 out of 5)
3.3 out Of 5
(3.3 out of 5)
Meets Expectations:
2.7 out Of 5
(2.7 out of 5)
of customers would recommend this product to a friend.
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  1. Elizabeth Conley
    Newport News, VA
    Age: 45-54
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Really Good Government Course
    March 24, 2017
    Elizabeth Conley
    Newport News, VA
    Age: 45-54
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    I have used this Government study for both of my own children and in a homeschool cooperative for two years running. It was particularly popular in the cooperative environment. It worked well with students who had significant learning disabilities, as well as students who were academically gifted. The videos were very helpful for students who were auditory learners. The gifted students really appreciated learning directly from source documents. I was pleased with the organization of the course and the ease of presentation. I had to do little or nothing to prepare for lessons - just go over the material and engage students in guided discussions. Grading was incredibly easy. The rigor of the course was a real parent-pleaser.
  2. Jaye
    2 Stars Out Of 5
    A Noble Experiment
    October 2, 2015
    Quality: 4
    Value: 2
    Meets Expectations: 2
    The content of this material is not the problem - however, it should NOT be recommended for all high schoolers, as the description implies. My 12th grade student did well with it, but the material was not suitable for my 10th grader, who is an A-B student. The nightly reading assignments were unusually long (considering that most of them were "source" documents - written in archaic language) and the tests required long (full page) essay answers to difficult questions as only part of a two+ page test! Would not recommend to a homeschooling friend unless the student is a HS senior; even then, I would consider it an advanced course - more suitable to a college curriculum than high school
  3. MSmom
    2 Stars Out Of 5
    subjective material
    January 15, 2019
    Quality: 3
    Value: 3
    Meets Expectations: 1
    I have just graded the third test in which the author interjects his opinion as an expected answer. I expected the curriculum to have a conservative view of the Constitution, but the author presents his opinion and gives examples unsupported in the text as material the student was expected to learn. Also, there are examples in the text and lectures which are culturally insensitive, at best.
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