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A Noble Experiment: The History and Nature of the American Government DVDs & Teacher Resource CD-Rom

Product Description
▼▲Using primary source documents and twenty-four DVD lessons, the DVDs contain the lessons used with the sold-separately A Noble Experiment Activity Book, with each video session a self-contained module. Five DVDs contain 24 video segments total. Conversational rather than lecture-like, videos cover the major topics in the National Standards for Civics and Government at a high school level.
A Teacher's CD is included, and features: quizzes and tests, printable copies of the course outline, the course syllabus, answer keys for all graded student assignments, a grade book to record individual assignment scores, and optional activities for use by the motivated student or homeschool co-op groups. It also contains the entire transcript of the video lessons, with highlighted key concepts. This format enables the teacher to quickly look up pertinent information without the need to watch the video lessons. Students may also use the transcript to review for assessments. The CD concludes with a course description for use on the student's high school transcript.
Teacher's CD System Requirements: Windows 95 or later and Mac OS 9 or later. Adobe Acrobat reader required.
This is a 1 semester course at 3 lessons per week for 16 weeks.
Product Information
▼▲Title: A Noble Experiment: The History and Nature of the American Government DVDs & Teacher Resource CD-Rom By: Tim Spickler Format: DVD Vendor: Zeezok Publishing, LLC Publication Date: 2010 | Weight: 9 ounces ISBN: 1610060040 ISBN-13: 9781610060042 Stock No: WW160036 |
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▼▲Q: How long is each lecture?
Lecture times are listed on the sample pages. Just click the "Sample" link found under the Social Networking icons.
Q: Is this course worth a 1/2 credit (1 semester), OR is it worth 1 credit (1 full year)?
This course can be covered in one semester, 16 weeks with 3 lessons per week.
Q: Is this worth 1 full credit? I'm interested in this for my 9th grader. Thank you.
This curriculum covers 16 weeks at 3 lessons per week. It can be used as a 1-semester course or 1/2 credit.
Q: What is the grade level for the history curriculum ~ A Noble Experiment? The set includes a number of DVDs about the nature and creation of American government.
This curriculum is designed for High School students.
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