Josh McDowell, Sean McDowellThomas Nelson / 2017 / HardcoverOur Price$22.854.8 out of 5 stars for Evidence That Demands a Verdict: Life-Changing Truth for a Skeptical World. View reviews of this product. 23 Reviews
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Debbie from ChristFocusHarrison, ARAge: 35-44Gender: female5 Stars Out Of 5Highly recommend this solid resourceJanuary 15, 2018Debbie from ChristFocusHarrison, ARAge: 35-44Gender: femaleQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5"Evidence That Demands a Verdict" is a collection of evidence that helps believers have confidence and unbelievers see that there is a reasoned, factual basis to Christianity. I've owned previous editions of this book, the latest being the 1999 version. This book has been updated to include the latest discoveries and arguments as well as commentary at the beginning from Sean McDowell. While much of the core evidence is the same, there has been some rewriting and changes made as the new information was added. Even if you've read the previous versions, it's worth getting this version for the new material. I'd highly recommend this as a great reference resource (for looking up information that interests you) or to read through from start to finish.
The book covered why we believe that there is a god (evidence for theism), ways that the Bible is unique from other books, how the Bible was written, manuscript and archeological evidence that the New and Old Testaments are accurate, how the text of the Bible was copied by scribes and how accurate they were, information about the Gnostic gospels and other texts that were not included in the Bible and why they weren't included. Christian and non-Christian sources and archeological discoveries that support the existence of Jesus, examining Jesus' claims to deity and does that make him lord, liar, or lunatic. Old Testament prophecies that Jesus fulfilled, evidence for Jesus' literal, bodily resurrection, and why the apostles were willing to die. How the Old Testament and ancient near eastern texts are similar but also strikingly different, evidence for the historical reliability of Genesis (Adam and Eve, the patriarchs), Exodus, the conquest, the united monarchy, the divided monarchy, the exilic period, and other books of the Old Testament (Pentateuch, Isaiah, Daniel). Some alleged contradictions in the Bible and how they can be harmonized. Why truth matters, can you know the truth, answering skeptics, are miracles possible, and many other topics.
I received a free review copy of this book from the publisher through BookLook Bloggers. -
Nancy5 Stars Out Of 5New Edition Evidence Demands a VerdictOctober 9, 2017NancyQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5The new Evidence Demands a Verdict is an amazing book. It helps young, old, families, singles defend their Christian faith. It is well written. It covers the many , many issues we are faced with in our world today. Here are some of the issues: How can we know heaven exists, how could loving God send a good person to hell?, Is hell a divine torture chamber, what is the moral argument for the existence of God, does truth even matter, how can I know I am save, were some books left out of the Bible, what about those who have never heard of Jesus? What not read this amazing book so you are ready to handle any confrontations you will have with your faith?
Roger5 Stars Out Of 5Must HaveOctober 4, 2017RogerQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5This is an updated and revised book from the original, "New Evidence That Demands A Verdict". However, with more than 60% updates and revisions, it reads like a new book. Inside you will find a wealth of resources not to be missed. Quite simply, this book is a must read, must have and must share.
Jim5 Stars Out Of 5Evidence that Demands a Verdict, 4th EditionOctober 2, 2017JimQuality: 4Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5In the early 1970s I wore out the first edition of Evidence that Demands a Verdict validating in college what I came to believe as a child. At that time, ones concept of truth (or true truth as one writer called it) was based on what was logically sound and how it squared with reality and the physically observable universe. However, today the focus is no longer on demonstrable truth, but on how a claim allegedly makes the listener feel; intolerance and bigotry are the objections commonly raised when the gospel message is presented.
This fourth edition contains much, if not all, of the first edition but there is much new material: the first-hand account of one of the authors tells of the power of a changed life because of taking God at His word and honestly acting upon it. He shares his life story with great honesty, candidness and vulnerability. Additional documentation is provided regarding more recent archaeological findings and the historical evidence for Old Testament characters and events. The final six chapters address the nature and validity of truth as well as answers to objections by postmodernists and skeptics.
The fourth edition of Evidence that Demands a Verdict will prove to be a valuable resource for the Christian as well as the honest seeker of the truth of the claims of the person and work of Jesus the Christ.
SK5 Stars Out Of 5Evidence That demands A verdictOctober 22, 2018SKExceptional book.
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