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Eternity Changes Everything: How to live now in the light of your future - eBook
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Product Description
▼▲"Our view of the future affects how we feel and act in the present. So this book is about our eternity, and it is about our now--about the total difference that knowing what lies ahead of us makes to how we view our lives, and live our lives, today."
You can be excited about where the world is heading and be certain about where you are heading. And be thrilled as you see how your eternal future can transform your life right now--how eternity really does change everything.
Product Information
▼▲Title: Eternity Changes Everything: How to live now in the light of your future - eBook By: Stephen Witmer Format: DRM Free ePub Vendor: Good Book Company | Publication Date: 2014 ISBN: 9781909919167 ISBN-13: 9781909919167 Stock No: WW63683EB |
Publisher's Description
▼▲If you are worried about your future or if your future doesn't seem to make any difference to your now or if you simply want to get more excited about where you will spend eternity read this book!
Author Bio
▼▲Editorial Reviews
▼▲If I knew the future, then surely that would affect every minute of the present. But I do know the future. Christians are going to live day after day in a gloriously renewed creation. We will see our good and kind Saviour, Jesus, face-to-face. Yet this certain future had so little impact on how I live most days. So Christ put Stephen Witmer's book in front of me. Reading it has reminded me of my future and immediately and hugely shifted my outlook on the present. I pray, and expect, that it will be a lasting change. I have already recommended this book and will keep doing so. It is a readable, simple, hopeful and deep book on a crucial topic. I think it will change our lives, churches and evangelism. -- John Hindley (Pastor of BroadGrace Church, Norfolk; author of Serving Without Sinking)
For a book dealing with the issue of eternity, this is definitely a quick read. What makes it so engaging is that Stephen comes across as so likeable and has a great illustration on almost every page. A hope filled, encouraging gem of a book. Loved it. -- Mez McConnell (Director of 20 schemes)
What Stephen Witmer has accomplished here is akin to a cozy visit over coffee with a new friend brilliantly and winsomely sharing with you the secret of the universe. Full of both passion and clarity, Eternity Changes Everything invites us and helps us to share God's vision for the world and the people in it according to the spreading glory of Christ's kingdom. -- Jared C. Wilson (Assistant professor of pastoral ministry, Spurgeon College)
A previous generation sometimes focused so much on the future that they seemed to forget that eternity begins in the here and now. But today's generation often focuses so much on the present world that we can neglect the coming reality of the new heavens and earth. For this reason, I am thankful for this wise book by Stephen Witmer. With a PhD in New Testament from the University of Cambridge, he is a well-qualified guide to the details of the biblical storyline. And as a pastor and fellow struggler with us all, he knows how to communicate the biblical story of eternityboth present and futurein a winsome, compelling, and genuinely helpful way. May the Lord stir in all of us restless patience as we lean forward toward the eternal things with the help of this excellent book. -- Justin Taylor (Gospel Coalition blogger and Vice-President of Editorial, Crossway)
Stephen Witmer does us a great service by counseling great impatience and patient endurance in the life of the believer between the first and second comings of Jesus Christ. Whatever your circumstances, this book will fill you with longing for Jesus' return even as you go to work spreading the love of God in this world he created. -- Collin Hansen (editorial director of The Gospel Coalition and author of Young, Restless, Reformed: A Journalist's Journey with the New Calvinists)
Have you ever wondered why Heaven is helpful now? Eternity Changes Everything shows us how heavenly ideas can come down right into the nooks and crannies of everyday life--parenting, suffering, work, and more. Stephen makes you lean forward to heaven in holy restlessness and enduring patience. Every truth he explains makes a stop in reality, moving the reader from "Aha" to "Mmm." Here is a writer who pastors, and a pastor who thinks. This is theology that breathes and sings. I can't wait for more Stephen Witmer! -- Jonathan Dodson (Author)
For some, the future looms so large that this present world holds no importance. For others, the present is so critical that God's promised future holds little significance. For Stephen Witmer and his readers, the present and the future are vitally connected. Eternity Changes Everything provides necessary perspective and practical guidance for walking the tightrope of the already and not yet. Heartily recommended. -- Stephen Um (Director of Training, SEND Boston)
Hope has fallen on hard times in our cynical I-want-it-now generation. Even within the Church, many are settling for a pathetic best life now, rather than holding out for a life that offers a foretaste of the infinitely better life to come. Witmer is a superb biblical scholar with a pastors heart, so on every page are fresh insights and much needed spiritual remedies. -- Gordon P. Hugenberger (Senior Minister, Park Street Church, Boston, MA)
As I read this book, it was so evident that it comes from a wise and compassionate pastor. It is biblically faithful and theologically grounded, but at the same time it is wonderfully practical and accessible to readers. We are reminded that we were made for a new world that is coming, that the best is yet to be. The book is hopeful but realistic, challenging but balanced. I am confident that many readers will be encouraged and convicted by this gem of a book. -- Thomas R. Schreiner (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary)
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