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R.C. SproulLigonier Ministries / 2015 / Imitation LeatherOur Price$64.994.2 out of 5 stars for ESV Reformation Study Bible, 2015 Edition, Light Gray Imitation Leather. View reviews of this product. 39 ReviewsRetail Price$88.00Save 26% ($23.01)
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ArnieMAAge: 55-65Gender: male5 Stars Out Of 5Job Well DoneMarch 13, 2015ArnieMAAge: 55-65Gender: maleQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5This review was written for ESV Reformation Study Bible, 2015 Edition, Black Genuine Leather.I received my genuine leather edition a week ago today, as I pre-orderd it through Ligonier. The notes have been revised and extensively added to. Some have remained the same. Some of the insert panels have been removed, or moved. A number of new ones have been added as well; a trade-off if you please. There are a number of added maps in the back. Also some great commentaries by some of the contributors to this edition have been added in the back before the concordance, as well as ten creeds, including the Westminster Confession of Faith, both longer and shorter Catechisms, The 1689 Baptist Confession, and eight others of the past two millennia. Most important to note, the format of the bible text has been completely revised. There is no center column on each page. It now reads across like a book, with the cross references having been moved to the inside of each page. This is a revision similar to the original New Geneva Study Bible, with the exception being the cross references are now on the inside of the page instead of the outside edge, which aids in lending more room to pencil in notes next to the text. If you like the standard center column, you won't like this. I happen to love it. Because of the additions, the bible is thicker, being similar in bulk to the size of a MacArthur Study bible, but the pages are the same size. Three marker ribbons are also a nice addition. As far as the one other review here so far, I can't say I have a problem with the legibility of the print. Maybe the other buyer happened to get a copy off the press when it was getting low on ink, and it got by QC. I'm in my 60's and need my reading glasses and good light as well, but have no problem, as that is typical for me these years! The upshot; I find no reason to give this less than a 5 star review. Keep in mind, the notes and comments are of the reformed and inerrant point of veiw. But if your familiar with Ligonier Ministries profession of faith, you already know that.
Shakespeareteacher5 Stars Out Of 5Great notes, beautiful binding, amazing presentationMay 7, 2015ShakespeareteacherQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5This review was written for ESV Reformation Study Bible, 2015 Edition, Black Genuine Cowhide.This is a review of the new Reformation Study Bible (2015) in Montana Cowhide. How it got to be called Montana Cowhide isn't explained, but more on the binding later. The most important parts of a study Bible, besides the Scripture itself, are the notes and articles, and that is where this study Bible shines. If the previous two versions of this Bible were amethyst and topaz, then this edition is definitely diamond. At roughly 2500 pages, it is fully 300 pages more than the MacArthur and HCSB Study Bibles, and 200 pages less than the ESV Study Bible. It is black and white: there is no color other than the end maps. The notes however, are second to none.
The Reformation Study Bible's notes were compiled by over 75 scholars who hold to a reformed doctrine. Thus the notes are some of the most erudite and complete that you will find. Those of an Arminian persuasion beware, however, you will find a lot to be unhappy about, unless you want to change your mind. In most general purpose study Bibles, like the NKJV Study Bible or the Life Application Study Bible, the notes are written so as not to offend anyone and often controversial topics are either ignored or given short shrift. Not so with this study Bible. It definitely takes a point of view and gives good reason for it. A good example is the note on John 6:44, "Since the fall, human beings born in Adam are inclined against the things of God and they will not and cannot place saving faith in the gospel message unless the Lord first changes their hearts. God must give fallen people the ability to believe and He does that only for His elect."
Besides the excellent bottom-of-the-page notes, this Bible has numerous theological mini-essays throughout the text and fourteen topical articles by specific authors that are quite well developed. The introductions to the books of the Bible are the best I have seen in a study Bible. Besides giving you the usual information, they also discuss the literary features, the history of interpretation, special issues and a host of other facts.
One of the downsides of this study Bible are the gray-scale in-text maps. Compared to the excellent in-text maps in the ESV study Bible and especially the amazing maps in the HCSB Study Bible, these are pathetic. I hate it when the graphic designers shrink a larger map to fit in a small space, making all the labels almost too small to read. That is what they have done here. For example in Mark 7 there is a map of Jesus' ministry beyond Galilee. It is next to impossible to read the labels even with reading glasses. Sad. The total lack of color is also too bad. In this day it would not have added any expense to add a splash of color here or there. While I think the NKJV Study Bible (color edition) goes too far in this regard, I think the HCSB Study Bible is nicely done and the ESV Study Bible handsomely understated with color. The Reformation Study Bible seems dull by comparison. Still, color is a rather minor concern next to the text itself.
The layout of the text of this Bible is pleasing and easy to read. It is single column with three columns of notes beneath the text. An exception to the generally good layout are the references that are tucked in the gutter and are in way too small a font. If I was using this Bible as a reference Bible I would be frustrated indeed. For the occasional reference, it is OK, but the editors need to do something different in the next edition. I have read a lot about some of the text being smudged or smeared in this Bible, but I have not seen that except in two tiny and almost unnoticeable spots. Overall the text is very good, with a clear, albeit thin font. I prefer the font in the ESV Study Bible as both the text and note fonts are thicker. The paper is pretty good average Bible paper, nothing to write home about, but not bad either. It is not anywhere nearly as good as my wide margin Cambridge paper, but for a Bible with over 2000 pages, the editors had to choose an especially thin stock. There is some minor ghosting, but it is acceptable.
This edition of the Reformation Study Bible came decked out in black "Montana Cowhide." It is beautiful. Though it is not leather lined, the cowhide binding is firm, but soft and has a nice hand. The gold on the page edges is thick and lustrous, not the awful powdery gold of so many Bibles today. Interestingly, the title of the Bible is laid out horizontally, so you read it properly with the Bible on its side, like it should be when it is stored. The spine also has R.C. Sproul General Editor on it. Fair enough. For some strange reason my Bible came with five (count them 5!) ribbon markers. I'm not a ribbon marker person and so keep my ribbons folded and out of sight on my Bibles, but what am I going to do with five of them! Still, it is kind of cool. I've got more ribbons than you do. Ha! The whole Bible came in a lovely cloth box with a large gold band. It is truly the best presentation of a Bible I have ever seen. I mean, I loved the presentation of the NLT Select Bibles a few years ago, but this is even better.
I want to end on a really positive note. Of course the ESV translation is great and is perfect for this type of study Bible, but it is the Creeds, Confessions and Catechisms section of this Bible that really makes it stand out. In a day when the Church is losing much of its gravitas to the weak willed and fashionable, it is nice to see that he the newest study Bible out there includes some of the great documents of Christian history. Bravo Reformation Study Bible and bravo Ligonier Ministries!
I believeCAAge: 35-44Gender: Male5 Stars Out Of 5Buy This Study Bible. It's Beautiful, Accessible, and Faithful to ScriptureMarch 14, 2015I believeCAAge: 35-44Gender: MaleQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5This review was written for ESV Reformation Study Bible, 2015 Edition, Black Genuine Leather.Overall Scholarship is a 10 out of 10. The list of scholars with R.C. Sproul leading the editorial charge is highly regarded across a wide range of academic circles around the world, including those who previously served as editors and are now deceased. Tim Keller consistently quotes his mentor, Edmund Clowney, who was one of the editors. Look at the people endorsing this Bible: Joni Earecksen Tada, Mark Dever, Albert Mohler, Ligon Duncan, and many more!!!!
Study Notes are a 10 out of 10. My ESV Study Bible seems to have about the same amount of commentary, which is a lot. The fact that you're getting all of these scholars from a unified, confessional perspective makes the notes much stronger in my opinion.
Overall Legibility is a 8.5 out of 10. Darken the study notes and cross-references and I'll give you a 10. Reading in natural light and you don't even notice.
Packaging is a 10 out of 10. You won't find another study Bible that's packaged any better in this price range. It's like Ligonier intentionally decided to make this the best-looking Bible on the market. I think they succeeded.
I owned the previous edition of this study Bible and loved it. After spending time with this new edition, I feel like I'm holding an iPhone 6 up against my old iPhone 4. The Word of God hasn't changed, but the features and benefits of this new edition are certainly worth the upgrade.
Overall Value is a 10 out of 10. What publisher is offering over $400 worth of digital resources with their Bible? I didn't even know I was getting all these resources until I pulled it out of the slip case!!!! Thank you, thank you!!! -
Gretchen in ILAge: 55-65Gender: Female5 Stars Out Of 5Re: 3rd Edition w/ reprinting improvementsFebruary 23, 2016Gretchen in ILAge: 55-65Gender: FemaleQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5This review was written for ESV Reformation Study Bible, 2015 Edition, Burgundy Genuine Leather.Just received my order for the 3rd edition ESV RSB (burgundy leather) reprinted with improvements (darker ink, heavier weight paper, no ink smearing anywhere, and typos fixed) and it is FANTASTIC!! Yes, it's slightly larger than the original 3rd edition, but I will happily accept this aspect for the improvements. I can now mark in this Bible without the pages tearing, no serious indentations, and no bleed through (I use ball point pens and Crayola Twistable crayons). I can flip through the pages without fear of them tearing, and it feels as if this Bible will be able to withstand the wear and tear I generally put my Bibles through. Now, along with the wonderful notes, commentary, confessions, maps, articles, etc., this Bible will no doubt become my #1 "go to" Study Bible. Thank you Ligonier for making the much needed improvements. Bravo!
Pray for ReformationILAge: 45-54Gender: Male5 Stars Out Of 5The Study Content is the BestMarch 25, 2015Pray for ReformationILAge: 45-54Gender: MaleQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5This review was written for ESV Reformation Study Bible, 2015 Edition, Black Genuine Leather.If the purpose of a study Bible is to provide you with helpful study content, then this Bible rises above all the rest. Scholarship, not page thickness, is the true measure of a study Bible. I feel sorry for the people who paid $40-65 for a study Bible and expected to get a large print Bible with high quality paper. That's not this Bible. This study Bible is for Christians who want to know God's Word and know it well. This study Bible is for people who realize study Bibles are measured by content, not font size. (I'm in shock that someone thinks reducing font size from 10.25 to 9.5 is a problem. People in 3rd World countries would--literally--die to own a Bible. Complaining about the font being reduced by less than a point? C'mon. Can you imagine the New Testament church complaining about font size as they read letters written on papyrus?)
Fact #1: The scholarship is second to none. Fact #2: The font is stunning. Fact #3: The study notes are the same size as the ESV Study Bible, which has sold millions of copies. Fact #4: Buying this study Bible = #winning. Fact #5: I own this Bible, I'm thankful ChristianBook carries it, and I would highly recommend it to my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ that want a trustworthy study Bible.
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