Esther: JPS Bible Commentary
Stock No: WW606990
Esther: JPS Bible Commentary    -     By: Adele Berlin

Esther: JPS Bible Commentary

Jewish Publication Society / 1999 / Hardcover

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Stock No: WW606990

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Stock No: WW606990
Jewish Publication Society / 1999 / Hardcover

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Product Description

Using the same format as the much-admired JPS Torah Commentary, Berlin evaluates the language, plot, historical framework, and importance of Esther to later tradition, seeing it as a comedy used in the festival of Purim. Explains the role of the megillah in the holiday and how women are viewed in the Bible. 212 pages, hardcover.

Product Information

Title: Esther: JPS Bible Commentary
By: Adele Berlin
Format: Hardcover
Vendor: Jewish Publication Society
Publication Date: 1999
Dimensions: 10.3 X 8.3 (inches)
Weight: 1 pound 4 ounces
ISBN: 0827606990
ISBN-13: 9780827606999
Series: JPS Commentary
Stock No: WW606990

Publisher's Description

Recipient of the Prize of the Minister of Science, Culture, and Sport [of the State of Israel] for classical literature for the year 5762 [2001]

The commentary, which accompanies the Hebrew biblical text and the JPS translation, approaches the Book of Esther from a fresh literary point of view. It includes essays entitled "When and Where Was the Book of Esther Written?," "Sex and Spies," and "Rabbinic Interpretation."

Editorial Reviews

"This informative commentary . . . dissects the Book of Esther and, by extension, the Jewish holiday of Purim. Berlin begins with a lengthy introduction, discussing Esther as comedy and as diaspora literature; the introduction does a fine job of explaining the Persian period and its various art forms."—Publishers Weekly

"Berlin's literary approach to the book of Esther is a very well done, and filled with important information."—David J. Zucker, Women in Judaism

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