Sharon JaynesHarvest House Publishers / 2018 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$9.004.9 out of 5 stars for Enough: Silencing the Lies That Steal Your Confidence. View reviews of this product. 54 Reviews
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butterfly405 Stars Out Of 5We are Enough!April 9, 2018butterfly40Quality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5This book is an excellent read! God really used Sharon to expose how the enemy uses lies to deceive us and keep us from living our lives in the way God intended! I believe by Sharon discussing the lies she once believed, will help many. Don't wait, read this book and see how Satan uses lies to keep us from pressing forward and so you can start living, knowing you have a God who loves you and wants you to walk with Him living your life fully!!.
Connie5 Stars Out Of 5HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!April 12, 2018ConnieQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5Starting with page 1, I was immediately comfortable with Sharons easy to read style and could relate to almost every story and example used throughout the book. For most of my life, Ive thought I wasnt good enough or smart enough or talented enough or on and on and on.
The first truth youll discover in this book is that youre not alone when experiencing confidence-stealing self-talk. Many of us feel insignificant, without skills, and just plain not good enough. Sharon encourages us with her easy-to-understand explanations on how to see through the lies and recognize Gods truth. She also provides a quick reference of each lie, a reminder of the truth and scripture for reinforcement.
Chelsea5 Stars Out Of 5Every women should read this book.February 21, 2019ChelseaExcellent read that has blessed my life. Wish I had read this years ago, but thankful I am reading it now. i highly recommend this book and will be giving it as gifts.
TruthWarrior5 Stars Out Of 5You have a choice to make!April 9, 2018TruthWarriorQuality: 0Value: 0Meets Expectations: 0Sharon's writing just flows. This is an easy read, but packed full of goodness and truth. Women of all ages need to read this book. She helps the reader see the lies that she has believed and then points her to the truth. This is not a preachy book at all. The key for me "I have a choice to make. Am I going to believe God or the lies that satan spewed." This book will increase your confidence in Whose you are!
* I received an Advanced Reader's Copy of Enough: Silencing the Lies That Steal Your Confidence from the publisher Harvest House. The opinion stated is my own. I have not been compensated in any way.* -
Beth5 Stars Out Of 5Reading it now, going into chapt two...November 30, 2019BethQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5I am really enjoying this book. Although it was just delivered today, I am already thoroughly enjoying this read.
"Enough, silencing the lies that steal your confidence" is definitely going to be one of those books I intend to share with my family and closest friends.
Easy to read, is very important to me as I rarely have time, nor choose to wade through big words I must look up definitions to grasp an understanding of what they are trying to ultimately say...get my drift? This is perfect for me, I can read a few chapters or half the book in a day, and then reread it as needed, commiting important truths found therein to memory. Which is exactly what I need to do. An exquisite example of Gods' truth is found throughout the pages of this much needed book. Thank you Sharon Jaynes and Christianbook Distributers for all of your help. This is sincerely a must read for everyone who ever feels they just aren't enough. God is enough and we find Him joyfully in every page of this wonderful, well written, and exciting read. Thank you and God bless always.
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