Sons of Encouragement: Five Stories of Faithful Men Who Changed Eternity
Stock No: WW348162
Sons of Encouragement: Five Stories of Faithful Men Who Changed Eternity  -     By: Francine Rivers

Sons of Encouragement: Five Stories of Faithful Men Who Changed Eternity

Tyndale House / 2011 / Paperback

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Product Description

Discover five biblical men who quietly changed eternity without recognition or fame---knowing their reward wouldn't come until the next life. In this all-in-one collection, Rivers illuminates the lives of Aaron, Caleb, Jonathan, Amos, and Silas---and shows how they acted in the shadow of God's chosen leaders. Each story includes an in-depth study guide.

Product Information

Title: Sons of Encouragement: Five Stories of Faithful Men Who Changed Eternity
By: Francine Rivers
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 672
Vendor: Tyndale House
Publication Date: 2011
Dimensions: 9.00 X 6.00 (inches)
Weight: 1 pound 14 ounces
ISBN: 1414348169
ISBN-13: 9781414348162
Series: Sons of Encouragement
Stock No: WW348162

Publisher's Description

The complete biblical historical fiction compilation by the New York Times bestselling author of Redeeming Love and A Voice in the Wind.

The Bible is filled with inspiring stories of unlikely candidates God chose to quietly change eternity. This bestselling compilation in one volume contains five novellas about such peopleⷕmen who stood behind heroes of the faith. Aaron. Caleb. Jonathan. Amos. Silas.

Each faithfully sought God in the shadows of His chosen leaders. They answered God’s call to serve without recognition or fame. And they gave everything, knowing their reward might not come until the next life. Be challenged by these faithful men from both the Old Testament and the New Testament whose stories we must never forget.
  • Aaronⷕthe priest who stood in Moses’ shadow but had the courage to cover his brother’s fears as they led the nation of Israel
  • Calebⷕthe warrior whose words stirred men’s hearts and brought God’s people to the Promised Land
  • Jonathanⷕthe prince whose humility led him to befriend the man who would become king in his place
  • Amosⷕthe prophet who heard when God called and spoke to a nation unwilling to listen
  • Silasⷕthe scribe who worked alongside the early apostles, surrendering his wealth to record God’s Word, even as those around him were silenced
Beloved Christian author Francine Rivers brings Scripture and history to life in these well-researched stories of spiritual leaders. Each novella includes an in-depth Bible study perfect for personal reflection or group discussion.

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