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Empty Nest, What's Next?
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Product Description
▼▲If you have young adult children, you are facing different challenges than you had when they were younger. In Empty Nest, What's Next? , Michele Howe helps parents find peace, freedom, and joy as they step into this new phase of life by offering true stories of other parents facing similar challenges, practical suggestions, encouragement, and a biblical model of parenting.
Product Information
▼▲Title: Empty Nest, What's Next? By: Michele Howe Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 137 Vendor: Hendrickson Publishers Publication Date: 2015 | Dimensions: 8.5 X 5.5 (inches) Weight: 8 ounces ISBN: 1619706660 ISBN-13: 9781619706668 Stock No: WW706668 |
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▼▲This isn't just a book; it's a spiritual devotional designed to shape your heart, turn you back toward God and help you grow through a sometimes painful but also liberating season of life - the years of the empty nest. Though there is much wise and practical advice, in the end Michele offers hope and turns us back to dependence upon God. I was challenged, encouraged and renewed to make these empty nest years ones filled with joy instead of worry; hope instead of despair; and new promise instead of old regret.
Gary Thomas
Author of Sacred Marriage and A Lifelong Love
In her new book, Empty Nest, What's Next, Michele Howe captures perfectly the angst and challenges associated with being an empty-nester and parent of adult children. She hits all the important topics we never think about, and lays them out in a concise and easy-to-read manner . . .
Rick Johnson
Bestselling author of That's My Son, That's My Teenage Son, and Becoming Your Spouse's Better Half
I am an empty nester so I know - no, I guarantee: If you are a parent, you will need this book at some point in your life. Empty nesting is a difficult time of life and Michele Howe's words are the bandage you will need to help heal, whether you require a companion during a good cry or a wise counselor to point the way ahead. I wish I'd had Michele's book when I was limping through the empty nest stage.
Jeannie St. John Taylor
Author, Illustrator, Radio host
Michele Howe's Empty Nest is chock full of stories, wisdom, candor, and comfort. Her conversational and transparent style is like sitting across the table with a dear friend. As an empty nest mom I can relate to the rich content in each chapter. What a terrific book this would be for a women's book study.
Brenda Nixon
Author, Beyond Buggies and Bonnets: seven true stories of former Amish, speaker, and award-winning blogger at www.BrendaNixonOnAmish.blogspot.com
In Michele Howe's new book she covers every significant aspect of the sometimes-beautiful/sometimes-brutal journey of learning to be the parent of a grownup. 'It was only when I dropped to my knees before the Lord and pleaded with him to help me transfer ownership of my child to his care that I was able to let go.' Wow! I've been there. Her stories range from raw to sweet to fun, but they all contain deeply relatable truth. I saw myself in many, I saw my mom and friends in others. The transition from mommy to peer, friend and occasional counselor (by invitation only) is made a little easier with this book.
Diane Markins
Speaker, Trainer, Radio Host of Bold Living
In Empty Nest; What's Next, author Michele Howe meets parents at the celebratory and confusing crossroad between nurturing lively offspring and relating to adult children. Joyfully we celebrate their wings, also suddenly aware that the children who once were the center of our focus now captain their own lives. Having launched my own seven grown children, I know parents must make the transition to establish a healthy peer-to-peer relationship. With gentleness and insight born of experience, Empty Nest; What's Next tells you how. Thirty practical chapters address issues from meeting potential love interests to giving advice and helping through a crisis. Always at the center is faith, family, and unconditional love for our grown children.
PeggySue Wells
Best-selling author of The Slave Across the Street, Rediscovering Your Happily Ever After, Für Elise, and Bonding With Your Child Through Boundaries
Empty Nest, What's Next? should be required reading for all parents of adult children. If you are struggling with how involved to be in the lives of your adult children, or if you are raising your grandchildren due to unexpected circumstances, you will find valuable encouragement, helpful advice, and biblical wisdom in this excellent book. I suggest reading the 30 chapters one at a time, over a 30-day time period. Follow through with the 'Take-away Action Thought' at the end of each chapter, and make the ending prayer your own heart-cry to God. This is a must-read book!
Carol Kent
Speaker and author of Unquenchable: Grow a Wildfire Faith that Will Endure Anything (Zondervan)
Howe (Burdens Do a Body Good) looks at a relatively unaddressed topic in parenting literature: relating to adult children. A mother of four young adults, Howe draws extensively on her own experience as well as that of others. She covers ground logically, examining myriad possibilities (grandparenting, children's in-laws, "adult-sized mistakes," and more). The book is strongly Christian; each chapter begins with a Bible verse and ends with a prayer. Parents for whom the faith of their children's potential mate is not a major issue will likely have other strategies that rely less on faith and more on psychology. Chapters are at times frustratingly short, as if the author has just gotten going on a subject but time is up. Still, Howe has an earnest, been-there (and "there" includes being in court with a child) authorial voice that speaks with candid strength. Christian readers might find themselves using the book as a daily devotional, given the volumes short chapters and regular prayerful advice.
Publishers Weekly, Agent: Les Stobbe, Leslie H. Stobbe Literary
Publisher's Description
▼▲The purpose of Empty Nest, What's Next? is to help parents adjust to their changing roles as parents of adult children. Unlike the first eighteen years of parenting, moms and dads now take on more of an advisory role and step out of the daily hands-on instructional role. In theory, this stepping to the sidelines parenting style should lead to a simpler, less stress-free life for the parents. However, real-life parenting young adults is often much more challenging than all the earlier years put together. Combine young adult immaturity with a dangerous world, and parents frequently find themselves beset with worry, fear, and anxiety. Intellectually letting go is one thing; emotionally letting go is much more difficult, especially when the consequences are adult sized.
This resource will offer parents true stories of other moms and dads who are facing the very same challenges. Parents will discover a biblical model of faith-inspiring exercises that enable them to not simply cope with the demands of parenting their young adult children, but also to find peace, freedom, and joy in the process. Empty Nest, What's Next? will offer encouragement, practical suggestions, and lots of comical asides to the always-evolving role of parenting.
Editorial Reviews
▼▲Gary Thomas
Author of Sacred Marriage and A Lifelong Love
Rick Johnson
Bestselling author of That's My Son, That's My Teenage Son, and Becoming Your Spouse's Better Half
Jeannie St. John Taylor
Author, Illustrator, Radio host
Publishers Weekly, Agent: Les Stobbe, Leslie H. Stobbe Literary
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