Dynamic Christian Living: Basics of the Christian Life Teacher's Manual (Revised Edition)
Stock No: WW571273
Dynamic Christian Living: Basics of the Christian Life  Teacher's Manual (Revised Edition)  -

 Dynamic Christian Living: Basics of the Christian Life Teacher's Manual (Revised Edition)

Positive Action for Christ / 2018 / Other

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Stock No: WW571273

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Stock No: WW571273
Positive Action for Christ / 2018 / Other

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Product Description

Dynamic Christian Living Teacher Manual is in a 3-ring binder and contains 35 lessons, weekly schedules for three, four, or five days per week, learning objectives, teaching strategies, optional scripture memorization plan, weekly quizzes and unit tests, answer keys, and reduced student pages with answers. Reproducible quizzes and tests cover materials from both the Teacher's Manual and the Student text, and may include short answer, multiple choice, true/false, matching, and short essay.

This academic Bible curriculum introduces essential Christian doctrines to middle schoolers, challenging them to study God's character and respond to His Word. At this age, your students face growing personal responsibilities and increasingly complex questions about their beliefs. This study can help your students appreciate the structure of the Christian faith - its simple truths, the vast wisdom underneath, and the knowable yet incomprehensible Person holding it all together.

Lessons fall under five main units:

  • Unit 1: Birth - Salvation
  • Unit 2: Growth - Scripture
  • Unit 3: Breath - Prayer
  • Unit 4: Communication - Witnessing and Discipleship
  • Unit 5: Behavior - Daily Living

The fourth edition includes unit tests, a heavily revised final unit (Lessons 2835), and a host of improvements based on teacher feedback.

  • 35 Lessons - one for each week in an average school year
  • Weekly Schedule - outlines for three-, four-, and five-day-a-week Bible classes
  • Target Truths - core learning objectives for each lesson
  • Teaching Strategies - notes on presenting a lesson's material effectively
  • Scripture Memory - optional plan for verse memorization
  • Testing and Evaluation - weekly quizzes; unit tests; answer keys included
  • Student Manual Pages - facsimiles of the Student Manual pages with answers filled in

Product Information

Title:  Dynamic Christian Living: Basics of the Christian Life Teacher's Manual (Revised Edition)
Format: Other
Vendor: Positive Action for Christ
Publication Date: 2018
Weight: 4 pounds
ISBN: 1595572872
ISBN-13: 9781595572875
Ages: 11-14
Series: Positive Action Curriclum
Stock No: WW571273

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