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  1. Sharla
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    November 27, 2007
    WOW! Bill's wife Bennie blessed me with this book at their conference last year in Nashville, TN. I had never heard such profound teaching, I have since applied the principals to my own life and the outcome is nothing less than a work of God showing up and showing off. I recommend this to anyone who has a deeper desire for the things of God.
  2. Dawn
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    November 30, 2007
    I found this book to be very encouraging and insightful. In the first chapter, Bill Johnson talks about how important it is to have our minds renewed by the Word, because God's heart becomes our heart, as well as, His desires become our desires. Johnson expounds on that main thought throughout the book by emphasizing the importance of creativity, wisdom and faith. There were a few points Johnson made that especially ministered to me. One was, "We'll know when our mind is truly renewed, because the impossible will seem logical." As well as, "God not only answers the urgent prayer list, but the secret desires of our heart." I appreciated that Johnson puts a emphasis on the Word of God being one of the most important factors from which all desires and such flow. It would be easy to write a book like this and get into bad theology, but he does a good job sighting Scripture and thoroughly explaining it. On that note, my only complaint about this book is that Johnson in some cases could have picked better Scriptures to go with a few of his points, but for the most part I felt he was not taking Scripture out of context.
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