DIVE CD-Rom for Saxon Math Calculus, 2nd Edition
Stock No: WW346112
DIVE CD-Rom for Saxon Math Calculus, 2nd Edition    -

 DIVE CD-Rom for Saxon Math Calculus, 2nd Edition

Digital Interactive Video Education / 2007 / Compact disc

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Stock No: WW346112

Buy Item Our Price$56.85 Retail: $65.00 Save 13% ($8.15)
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Stock No: WW346112
Digital Interactive Video Education / 2007 / Compact disc

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Product Description

Boost your students understanding of Saxon Math with DIVE's easy-to-understand lectures! Each lesson concept in Saxon's textbook is taught step-by-step on a digital whiteboard, averaging about 10-15 minutes in length; and because each lesson is stored separately, you can easily move about from lesson-to-lesson as well as maneuver within the lesson you're watching. Taught from a Christian worldview, Dr. David Shormann also provides a weekly syllabus to help students stay on track with the lessons. DIVE teaches the same concepts as Saxon, but does not use the problems given in the text; it cannot be used as a solutions guide.

Calculus covers topics covered in AP exams, including limits, derivatives, integrals, differential equations, polar equations, vector equations, parametric equations, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, power series and more.

System Requirements:

Windows 7 and higher

Mac & Linux Computers

Product Information

Title:  DIVE CD-Rom for Saxon Math Calculus, 2nd Edition
Format: Compact disc
Vendor: Digital Interactive Video Education
Weight: 2 ounces
UPC: 837654021163
Series: Saxon DIVE CD-Roms
Stock No: WW346112

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