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DIVE CD-Rom for Saxon Math Algebra 1, 3rd Edition
Product Description
▼▲Algebra 1 covers functions, linear and quadratic equations, statistics, probability, geometry and more. 3rd Edition.
System Requirements:
Windows 7 and higher
Mac & Linux Computers
Product Information
▼▲Title: DIVE CD-Rom for Saxon Math Algebra 1, 3rd Edition Format: Compact disc Vendor: Digital Interactive Video Education Weight: 3 ounces | UPC: 700261254579 Series: Saxon DIVE CD-Roms Stock No: WW344213 |
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Author/Artist Review
▼▲Author: David Shormann
Located in: Houston, Texas
Submitted: December 27, 2007
Tell us a little about yourself. I am a Christian and I began teaching math and science in 1990. I have a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering, a M.S. in Marine Chemistry, and a PhD in Aquatic Science.
What was your motivation behind this project? I wanted to find a way to provide math and science lectures for homeschooling families. I thought "wouldn't it be great if students had a course that had the look and feel of a live classroom lecture, but also allowed them to learn at their own pace?" Judging by the response we have received so far, it seems that the DIVE CDs are a great thing to many, and not just homeschoolers, but private and public school students, too.
What do you hope folks will gain from this project? I hope they get a great math or science education, one that allows them to better understand the connection between Christ and learning. When we learn a subject like math, it is connected to other subjects as well, such as science, history, etc. Most importantly though, math is a tool for studying God's creation, and it is very important that students make that connection.
How were you personally impacted by working on this project? It has allowed me to see that there are a lot of great families out there that take educating their children very seriously.
Who are your influences, sources of inspiration or favorite authors / artists? Christ is the rock that I build on, and His word and His works are my greatest sources of inspiration. My wife Karen is a wellspring of great ideas, and has a great understanding of the needs of home educators. Students and parents that write me with questions, complements and critiques are also a great source of inspiration. Some of my favorite authors/sources of inspiration include Francis Bacon, Leonhard Euler, Michael Faraday, Matthew Maury, Cornelius Van Til, John Saxon, Douglas Wilson, James Nickel, and my pastor, Gene Franklin.
Anything else you'd like readers / listeners to know: Try to finish calculus in high school! Practically all of the technological advances of the last 300 years are a result of calculus. Calculus is about the study of motion, or rates of change, and God's creation is full of motion. A good understanding of calculus allows students to better understand God's works, allowing them to be more effective managers of His creation (Genesis 1:28).
Ask a Question
▼▲Q: Will the 3rd edition dive cds work with the 4th edition textbook?
No, the 3rd edition CD's will not work the the 4th edition Textbooks.
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