1. DIVE CD-Rom for Saxon Math 6/5, 3rd Edition
    Digital Interactive Video Education / Compact disc
    Our Price$56.85 Retail Price$65.00 Save 13% ($8.15)
    4.0 out of 5 stars for DIVE CD-Rom for Saxon Math 6/5, 3rd Edition. View reviews of this product. 4 Reviews
    Availability: In Stock
    Stock No: WW346653
4 Stars Out Of 5
4 out of 5
2.5 out Of 5
(2.5 out of 5)
2.5 out Of 5
(2.5 out of 5)
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2.5 out Of 5
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  1. Whitney Reckart
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    September 6, 2008
    Whitney Reckart
    My daughter loves Saxon Math with the Dive CD so much that on her first day she did 7 lessons. I was truly grateful because last year she literally cried towards the end of the year when we would do math. I love the way he explains everything so simply.
  2. J. H.
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    January 19, 2010
    J. H.
    My kids LOVE Dave!!! Listening to him explain math is their favorite part of the day!!!
  3. Dawn
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    We Love the DIVE CDs!
    September 26, 2022
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    I did not use this with my older children when they did 6/5. We discovered the DIVE cds when we hit Algebra. The kids grade instantly improved. We had tried SAXON Teacher for this level and it was completely pointless. It is just a video of exactly what is written in the text book. It doesn't explain any further or even offer different examples. The DIVE cds are like an actual classroom teacher. He teaches the content of the lesson using different examples and tricks and tips. The child can then do the lesson practice to see if they actually understand since he does not actually use those questions as examples. The next set of kids are hitting 6/5 and 7/6. This disk is as helpful as we found the higher levels. It allows my kids to be much more independent in their math. I Highly recommend. I had no problems loading this disk on my computer. I have used these discs on both mac and PC without issue.
  4. mom
    1 Stars Out Of 5
    Not Mac Friendly
    August 1, 2018
    Quality: 0
    Value: 0
    Meets Expectations: 0
    This disc was a totalwaste of money, would not load to my computer at all. It keeps going back to the intro page instead of loading onto the computer, I am assuming its not compatable with a Mac!?? Total waste of $54... and it is not even necessary to complete the course. Just buy the text/workbook/answer key.
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