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DIVE CD-Rom for Saxon Geometry, 1st Edition
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Product Description
▼▲Boost your students understanding of Saxon Math with DIVE's easy-to-understand lectures! Each of the 120 lesson concepts and 12 investigations in Saxon Math's Geometry textbook is taught step-by-step on a digital whiteboard, averaging about 10-20 minutes in length; and because each lesson is stored separately, you can easily move about from lesson-to-lesson as well as maneuver within the lesson you're watching. After the lesson, students complete the 30-question Problem Set in the Saxon text; a few problems in the set come from the new concept, however most review previous lessons. Each problem is cross-referenced back to the lesson where it was taught, allowing students to quickly review any concept. Taught from a Christian worldview, Dr. David Shormann also provides a weekly syllabus to help students stay on track with the lessons. DIVE teaches the same concepts as Saxon, but does not use the problems given in the text; it cannot be used as a solutions guide.
This course covers all topics in a high school geometry course, including perspective, space, and dimension associated with practical and axiomatic geometry. Students learn how to apply and calculate measurements of lengths, heights, circumference, areas, and volumes, and will be introduced trigonometry and transformations. Students will use logic to create proofs and constructions, work with key geometry theorems and proofs, and use technology such as spreadsheets, graphing calculators, and geometry software.
System Requirements:
Windows 7 and higher
Mac & Linux Computers
Please Note: This product is only available for purchase by homeschools, consumers, and public institutions.
Product Information
▼▲Title: DIVE CD-Rom for Saxon Geometry, 1st Edition Format: Compact disc Vendor: Digital Interactive Video Education Publication Date: 2009 | Weight: 2 ounces UPC: 837654021002 Series: Saxon DIVE CD-Roms Stock No: WW345701 |
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