Discovering Romans: Content, Interpretation, Reception
Stock No: WW874092
Discovering Romans: Content, Interpretation, Reception  -     By: Anthony C. Thiselton

Discovering Romans: Content, Interpretation, Reception

Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. / 2016 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW874092
Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. / 2016 / Paperback

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Product Description

Concise, student-friendly introduction to Romans

This third volume in the Discovering Biblical Texts series offers readers a compact, up-to-date, and student-friendly introduction to Paul's letter to the Romans, focusing on its structure, content, theological concerns, key interpretive debates, and historical reception.

Anthony C. Thiselton alerts readers to key issues and questions raised by the text, encouraging in-depth study and a sincere grappling with the theological and historical questions raised by this often-controversial epistle. He pays special attention to the book's reception and its influence on Christian history and culture, exploring and explaining the approaches and conclusions of a wide range of ancient and modern interpreters.

Product Information

Title: Discovering Romans: Content, Interpretation, Reception
By: Anthony C. Thiselton
Format: Paperback
Vendor: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
Publication Date: 2016
Weight: 15 ounces
ISBN: 0802874096
ISBN-13: 9780802874092
Series: Discovering Biblical Texts
Stock No: WW874092

Author Bio

Anthony C. Thiselton is professor emeritus of Christian theology at the University of Nottingham, England. His many other books include The Hermeneutics of Doctrine, A Shorter Guide to the Holy Spirit, and two acclaimed commentaries on 1 Corinthians.

Editorial Reviews

Klyne Snodgrass
— North Park Theological Seminary
"Anthony Thiselton has provided perhaps the easiest and quickest access to the issues in the letter to the Romans and to the relevant scholarship and trends concerning the letter. Few people have the ability to demonstrate the contribution and relevance of the tradition of Romans interpreters throughout the church's history the way Thiselton can."

David F. Ford
— University of Cambridge
"Good scholarship, deep theology, wisdom drawn from the centuries, and alertness to the issues that occupy us today. . . . Thiselton's rich, multifaceted engagement with Paul's most influential letter is a tour de force."

Colin Brown
— Fuller Theological Seminary
"For those who want to understand what Paul was driving at and why he wrote in the way that he did, Thiselton's Discovering Romans is without equal."

Stanley E. Porter
— McMaster Divinity College
"Thiselton brings his unique perspectives and interests to this central Pauline book. His commentary is full of provocative exegetical and theological insights."

Matthew R. Malcolm
— Trinity Theological College, Perth
"Discovering Romans is a highly accessible guide to the biblical book itself and to a wealth of secondary literature about it. This is an enjoyable and rewarding work."

Murray Rae
— University of Otago
"In this volume Thiselton demonstrates once more the erudition, clarity of expression, and rich insight that have characterized the whole of his academic career."

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