The Discerner: Hearing, Confirming, and Acting on Prophetic Revelation
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The Discerner: Hearing, Confirming, and Acting on Prophetic Revelation  -     By: James W. Goll

The Discerner: Hearing, Confirming, and Acting on Prophetic Revelation

Whitaker House / 2017 / Paperback

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Product Description

What is "prophetic revelation" from God? And what is the believer’s role in receiving and activating it? James Goll, author of the best seller The Seer, explains that although some believers are especially gifted as prophets, every follower of Jesus receives the gifts of revelation and discernment. And every believer needs to use them! In fact, without discernment and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, we cannot progress in our use of any of the gifts and callings.

With clear explanations, scriptural illustrations, and real-life contemporary stories, Goll demonstrates how we can receive revelation through the natural senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste—and how to open ourselves up to the comparable supernatural senses through which God wants to speak. He also removes uncertainty about how to discern revelation and test the spirits, so that every believer can fulfill their ultimate purpose: extending Jesus’ powerful kingdom on earth.

The Discerner is both a wonderful introduction to the prophetic lifestyle and a challenging call for those already immersed in prophetic revelation.

Product Information

Title: The Discerner: Hearing, Confirming, and Acting on Prophetic Revelation
By: James W. Goll
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 202
Vendor: Whitaker House
Publication Date: 2017
Dimensions: 9.00 X 6.00 (inches)
Weight: 9 ounces
ISBN: 1629119024
ISBN-13: 9781629119021
Stock No: WW9119020

Author Bio

JAMES W. GOLL is the president of God Encounters Ministries and has traveled around the world sharing the love of Jesus, imparting the power of intercession, prophetic ministry, and life in the Spirit. He has recorded numerous classes with corresponding study guides and is the author of more than forty books, including The Seer, Strike the Mark, Releasing Spiritual Gifts TodayPassionate PursuitThe Lost Art of Intercession, and The Lifestyle of a Prophet. James is the father of four wonderful children with a growing number of grandchildren, and makes his home in Franklin, TN.
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Editorial Reviews

   When I think about my friend James Goll, I think of a man without compromise, a man without guile. He reminds me of the prophet Daniel in the Scriptures because he is single in focus and a man of integrity. His life, in good times and in bad, seems to be a prophetic parable of God’s limitless grace working in the life of His servant. This servant of the Lord is also one of the finest students of the Word I have ever met. His pursuit of all that is true seems to attract insights and revelation in a measure that is not normal for most of us. James Goll’s passion is to make it practical, and then give it all away. I believe the book The Discerner is a gift from this prophet to the church. And much like his book The Seer, it will mark the church for decades to come. Read, enjoy, and be inspired, equipped, and empowered for such a time as this.
—Bill Johnson
Bethel Church, Redding, CA
Author, When Heaven Invades Earth and God is Good

  As I travel the nation teaching spiritual warfare principles, one truth becomes painfully clear: the body of Christ, at large, lacks discernment. The reality is that many believers have simply not been activated or trained to discern spirits. Yet discernment is a vital gift in this hour as false prophets, false teachers, and even false christs are rising around the world with smooth sayings, rhymes, and riddles.
Discerning of spirits is one of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit Paul lists in 1 Corinthians 12:7–11. It is the Holy Spirit-inspired ability to distinguish between the operations of the Holy Spirit, a demon spirit, and the human spirit. Discerning of spirits is especially helpful in prophecy, where we need to test the spirits to see if they are of God (1 John 4:1). It’s also vital in spiritual warfare so that we accurately determine what we’re battling instead of just beating the air through guessing games (1 Corinthians 9:26).
James Goll’s latest book, The Discerner, equips the body in discernment. Given the goings-on in the world and in the church, this book is right on time. Readers will understand, with clarity, how to press into the gift of discernment in its many manifestations, as well as cultivate biblical discernment to test the spirits. I thank God that James wrote this practical book. It is truly for such a time as this.
—Jennifer LeClaire
Senior Editor, Charisma and SpiritLed Woman
Senior Leader, Awakening House of Prayer, Fort Lauderdale, FL

I just finished reading James Goll’s new book, The Discerner, and—wow! Let me say it this way: there are many books about hearing God’s voice, but this goes way deeper, gifting you from the riches of James’s life experience and prophetic ministry. It gives you a road map for navigating how to manifest the revelation you receive, and letting God change your very nature in the process. James is an encyclopedia of revelation and supernatural materials, and this book is like a capstone of all his previous wonderful works on revelatory gifting. I highly recommend it, and I immensely enjoyed it!
—Shawn Bolz

It would be difficult to imagine a time in which discernment was more important than now. James Goll has been an observer of, participant in, or leader of almost every important wave of the Holy Spirit in ministry for forty years and is perfectly suited to teach the church how to navigate the various competing moral, spiritual, and political paradigms in this modern world. His new book, The Discerner, is full of rich insight and allows us to benefit from all that experience as he has watched and interacted with leaders, churches, denominations, and movements. As you meditate on this book, you will gain a greater understanding of the forces that affect your life and how to intelligently maintain your walk with God. Read, learn, and grow up in Christ.
—Joan Hunter
Author and Healing Evangelist
Joan Hunter Ministries

Dr. James Goll is one of God’s chosen and anointed vessels to identify prophets and to grow the prophetic gifts and abilities within the body of Christ. He has skillfully taught and mentored on various aspects of prophetic revelation over the years, and now he introduces a very important component: The Discerner. There is very little written about this subject, and yet it is vital for us to understand. Many readers will find themselves defined as "discerners" when they read this book. As always, Dr. James Goll has penned a remarkable work that will continue to teach and train others for generations to come. Well done!
—Patricia King
Founder, Patricia King Ministries

James is such an immense treasure trove of wisdom and revelation on everything to do with spiritual seeing and discerning. No matter what level of discernment you presently have, this amazing book will provide an upgrade to the next level. The chapters on your spiritual senses are priceless. It is all connected to growing in intimacy with God—and that will be the fruit of your reading this wonderful book.
—Johnny Enlow
International speaker and author, The Seven Mountain Renaissance

One of the greatest gifts God has given to His people is the gift of discernment. How we need wise, compassionate discernment in these last days! In The Discerner, James Goll lays out before us a clear and concise teaching on having a heart to discern the works of God and the deeds of the enemy. I’ve not read a better book for preparing us for the days to come. The ones who discern the ways of God will be the ones to lead us into the coming glory. Every pastor, leader, intercessor, and worshipper must read this book. Every believer will be built up and given tools to be a valuable discerner in the days ahead. Buy one for yourself and one for a friend. They will thank you for it!
—Brian Simmons
Stairway Ministries
Lead translator, The Passion Translation Project
The need for discernment within the church is of paramount importance. James Goll does a brilliant job of unpacking this subject with eloquence and deep revelations that have been written with such truth and clarity. This book is a prophetic tool for believers to get equipped in the area of spiritual discernment and hearing the voice of God. I enjoyed every page and found that I couldn’t put the book down because I was learning at a deeper level. James is such a deep well, and when it comes to teaching, he is stellar. I truly believe that this is the best book I have read on this subject and highly recommend it. Thank you, James, for being such a powerful prophetic voice in this generation.
—Alex Seeley
Speaker and writer
Co-pastor, The Belonging Co, Nashville, TN

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