Dialog of Catherine of Siena - eBook
Stock No: WW13949EB
Dialog of Catherine of Siena - eBook  -     By: Saint Catherine of Siena

Dialog of Catherine of Siena - eBook

Christian Classics Ethereal Library / 2010 / ePub

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Christian Classics Ethereal Library / 2010 / ePub
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Product Information

Title: Dialog of Catherine of Siena - eBook
By: Saint Catherine of Siena
Format: DRM Free ePub
Vendor: Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Publication Date: 2010
ISBN: 9781931848220
ISBN-13: 9781931848220
Stock No: WW13949EB

Publisher's Description

The Dialog of Catherine of Siena is a practical and compelling work of Christian mysticism. St. Catherine of Siena, a Dominican Tertiary, wrote it during a state of ecstasy while in dialogue with God the Father. The book contains a dialog between the Eternal Father (God the Father) and a human soul (St. Catherine). In it, the Eternal Father describes, through many different analogies, allegories, and metaphors, the spiritual life of humankind. In his description, the Eternal Father emphasizes the importance of cultivating virtue, continually praying, and the need for obedience. Written at a time of spiritual and political upheaval, the Dialog of Catherine of Siena remains relevant even to the present day, and any reader will profit from the sound advice throughout this dialogue. Instructive and profound, the Dialog of Catherine of Siena inspires with a revelation from God. -Tim Perrine, CCEL Staff Writer

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